DC Restaurant Releases Brutal Statement Announcing Firing of Woke Employee/Legal Team Fights Hospital’s Agenda to Schedule Nurses to Help with Abortions/Trump CRUSHES ABC News and George Stephanopoulos to Win Defamation Suit – ABC and Disgraced Host M
33 US Nurses Died Suddenly This Week Amid ‘Unprecedented’ Death Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed/Trump threatens Zuckerberg with life in prison/Binance Accused Of Seizing All Palestinian Crypto Funds At Israel’s Request/Britain Backs Ukraine’s Use Of Long
UK Gov’t Hired ‘Mercenary Nurses’ To ‘Involuntarily Euthanize’ MILLIONS of COVID Patients/WEF Calls for Imprisonment of Social Media Owners Who Allow ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content on Their Platforms/Russia’s Foreign Minister Confirms Putin Was