Kicks, Punches ok but Mind Controls-Meditations, Sorceries like Dim Mak-Martial Arts Traps. If you're bond by demons by open doors Repent, Call Out to YAHUSHUA HE is more than able to set you Free
Prophecy 94 - I, YAHUVEH, Say, Do Not Underestimate MY Anger for it's Been Building Up as a Raging Inferno. YAHUSHUA'S Bride (144,000) is in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, China!
Indepth Prophetic Revelations about The Bride of YAHUSHUA, The 144,000, Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts 98, 26, 21, 66. One cannot be the Bride without keeping the True Shabbat & Holy Days, rejecting the pagan days
Amightywind Prophecy 110 enhanced (Ministry was a "tiny little seed" in NW Indiana, WOW) MY Sheep Have No Worry or Fret, for I Beat the Wolves Off! YAHUSHUA gives Miracles to supporters
YAH'S Prophecy 63 (by AMW video team) Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? "MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, the only Lamb of YAHUVEH, the perfect Lamb without sin or spot or blemish." (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 103 - I, YAHUVEH, Judge You by Your Fruit! "..YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, YAHUVEH’s Only Begotten Son, birthed from a virgin, died and arose again on the third day, the only ransom for sin is HIS shed Blood."
Anointed Minister's teaching Beware of False Rapture being staged Pt1 - "This is a message for YAHUSHUA'S Truth Seekers who have eyes to see and ears to hear" Satellite-Blue Beam Tech used by hell
In Prophecy 150, 153 YAH ALMIGHTY & KING YAHUSHUA Thunder What A True Tested Prophet Is! Bible teaches following False Prophets, a matter of life & death, their eyes/soul No Holy ANOINTING (mirrored)