1. The old woman helped a white whale remove the clams from the whale's body

    The old woman helped a white whale remove the clams from the whale's body

  2. A humpback whale has parasitic clams on its body and is helped by kind-hearted sailors

    A humpback whale has parasitic clams on its body and is helped by kind-hearted sailors

  3. A small whale with a parasitic mussel on the seal's body is looking for someone to save the whale

    A small whale with a parasitic mussel on the seal's body is looking for someone to save the whale

  4. A whale with parasitic barnacles gets stuck on land and is helped by garbage collection workers

    A whale with parasitic barnacles gets stuck on land and is helped by garbage collection workers

  5. A touching story between a polar bear and an old fisherman and a seal in love

    A touching story between a polar bear and an old fisherman and a seal in love

  6. SnowyOwls #BBCNature #BirdsOfPrey #WildlifePhotography #ArcticWildlife #OwlWatching #BBCWildlife

    SnowyOwls #BBCNature #BirdsOfPrey #WildlifePhotography #ArcticWildlife #OwlWatching #BBCWildlife

  7. Walrus - In 1 Minute! 🦭 An Impressive Animal Found In The Arctic | 1 Minute Animals

    Walrus - In 1 Minute! 🦭 An Impressive Animal Found In The Arctic | 1 Minute Animals

  8. Polar Bear Population Surge #ArcticWildlife #polarbears #polarbear #shorts

    Polar Bear Population Surge #ArcticWildlife #polarbears #polarbear #shorts

  9. Polar_Bear_injured_by_millions_of_barnacles_Rescued_Successfully_by_resue___Act_of_Kindness


  10. Polar_Bear_injured_by_millions_of_barnacles_Rescued_Successfully_by_resue___Act_of_Kindness


  11. Polar Bear Rescue: A Lifeline in the Arctic

    Polar Bear Rescue: A Lifeline in the Arctic

  12. Polar bear | Stock Footage | Creative Common Video | No Copyright Videos

    Polar bear | Stock Footage | Creative Common Video | No Copyright Videos

  13. "The Mudskipper, a bizarre fish that lives on land and battles for territory like a land animal!"

    "The Mudskipper, a bizarre fish that lives on land and battles for territory like a land animal!"

  14. Unbelievable Creatures Discovered Beneath The Ice In The Arctic

    Unbelievable Creatures Discovered Beneath The Ice In The Arctic

  15. Greenland Land of Ice - Exploring the Frozen Majesty of the Arctic

    Greenland Land of Ice - Exploring the Frozen Majesty of the Arctic

  16. Beluga Whale - In 1 Minute! 🐳 One Of The Most Beautiful Sea Creatures | 1 Minute Animals

    Beluga Whale - In 1 Minute! 🐳 One Of The Most Beautiful Sea Creatures | 1 Minute Animals

  17. 20 Unusual Facts about Polar Bears You Won't Hear Everywhere. Concise, Clear, and Educational!

    20 Unusual Facts about Polar Bears You Won't Hear Everywhere. Concise, Clear, and Educational!

  18. Animals Surviving in -60°C Winter Conditions

    Animals Surviving in -60°C Winter Conditions
