Bo Polny | Are the Kings of the Earth About to Weep and Wail?!! + Dr. Rashid Buttar & Karen Kingston On China & Russia Using Yuan & Ruble for Trade, Biden Pushes Annual COVID-19 Shots & Gates Finances Quantum-Dot Tattoo Technology to Hold
Dr. David Martin At The European Parliament (2023) Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 + CBDCs | "Time to Check In With Our Lizard Overlords In Davos, Switzerland. What Are They Are Up To? Well This?! They Are So Impressive. What a Bunch of Freaks."
Ottawa, veteran CBC reporter Marianne Klowak, with 34 years of experience, testified that when COVID hit the broadcaster “betrayed the public, broke their trust, pushed propaganda”