GLOBALIST CONTROLLED OPPOSITION “TRADE WAR” TO MUTUALLY DESTROY BOTH THE US & THE EU CITIZENRY | Globalist Trump Got the Trigger Pulled—A Counterstrike by Globalist EU - $27B Retaliation Cripples US Economy
University of West Florida: Spectacular Day As Gabriela and Nicolas Both Seek How To Be Born Again, Answering More Questions, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Marshall Univ (West Virginia): Security Cop Tries To Tell Me To Move, I Refuse, Eventually Police Say I Can Stand On a Grassy Knoll Very Close to Plaza So I Comply, have about 10-15 interactions with both sincere Christians and Curious Atheists/Agnostics
University of West Florida: Nicolas Confirmed He Returned to Jesus, Dealing with Some Proud Mockers, Encouraging One Young Man To Evangelize And Not Let Satan Discourage Him