The Shelley Tasker Show 12/03/25 Guest Jason Christoff and Co-host Mallificus Scott for hour 2
shelleytaskerBlack Pilled - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchZechariah 1 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchZechariah 2 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchZechariah 4 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchZechariah 5 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchWhores, MGTOW - Wasting Your Inheritance - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchZechariah 3 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchRomans 10 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchRomans 14 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchMalachi 2 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchMalachi 4 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchSay Thanks to Mom - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchMary Shelley's Frankenstein (rearView / spezial)
dJRomans 11 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchRomans 12 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchRomans 13 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchMalachi 1 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchMalachi 3 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchThe #1 Hit From The Donna Reed Show Has Us Adoring Shelley Fabares All Over Again
internetroiThe Shelley Tasker Show 19/03/25 Guest "Just An Ordinary Citizen" and Mallificus Scott for hour 2
shelleytaskerRomans 16 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist ChurchRomans 15 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist Church
Stedfast Baptist Church