
  1. Enough with politicians talking out both sides of their mouth!

    Enough with politicians talking out both sides of their mouth!

  2. When you do what you say you’re gonna do you’ll be fine.

    When you do what you say you’re gonna do you’ll be fine.

  3. The UNIPARTY is trying to hedge their bets in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional district!

    The UNIPARTY is trying to hedge their bets in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional district!

  4. Unrestrained Government spending has been more destructive to our economy than anything else!

    Unrestrained Government spending has been more destructive to our economy than anything else!

  5. We the people need to stand up against orders like this and politicians like this!

    We the people need to stand up against orders like this and politicians like this!

  6. The testing of your faith produces perseverance! James 1:2-3

    The testing of your faith produces perseverance! James 1:2-3

  7. JUST ANNOUNCED President Trump has officially filed to run in The First in the West Nevada Caucus

    JUST ANNOUNCED President Trump has officially filed to run in The First in the West Nevada Caucus

  8. Please join me in fighting the good fight to preserve our freedoms!

    Please join me in fighting the good fight to preserve our freedoms!

  9. Don’t be deceived by politicians and political candidates this election!

    Don’t be deceived by politicians and political candidates this election!
