Battlefront: Frontline: Transgender Terrorism Sponsored by Militant Socialists Continues as Shooter Attacks Lakewood Church | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Derrick Evans | LIVE @ 9pm ET
( -0842 ) You Weren't Fooled - The Fabian Socialists' 'Medical Mafia' is Becoming TRANSPARENT to the Worldwide Public - A Tipping Point - Eustace Mullins Exposed Them Early On
Transgender Terrorism Sponsored by Militant Socialists Continues as Shooter Attacks Lakewood Church | Invasive Hormone Manipulation in Women Could be Leading to Violence | Republicans are Betraying Voters in Local Elections | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Derrick Ev
Militant Socialists are Organized to Break Laws and Indoctrinate Children | 5G Can Activate Bioweapons in our Bodies Through Graphene Oxide Carrier | Politicians are Funneling Donations for Expensive Nepotism | Karlyn Borysenko, Sen (Ret) Ted Harvey
( -0742 ) Judge Joe Brown's Interesting Claims About Obama and His Bush / CIA Connections ( Help Confirm Whether It's True) - Lolo Soetoro, Suharto, 'Big Oil Murder', & The Socialist Dream