Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Judy Mikovits & Tucker Expose the Transhumanism "Jackassery" of Ray Kurzweil, Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari "We'll Have Medical Nano-Robots, That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Kurzweil
Dr. Simone Gold | Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Ray Kurzweil & Klaus Schwab Obsessed with Connecting Your Neocortex to the Internet? mRNA, CRISPR, Nanobots, Gene-Editing, Transhumanism & More
The Great Reset | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life? Why Is Ray Kurzweil Discussing Connecting Our Brains to A.I.? The Internet of Bodies, CBDC & Transhumanism Agenda Exposed + Human Cloning? with Dr. Stella Immanuel
Elon Musk | Why Are Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil Discussing Connecting Your Neocortex to the Internet? Why Is Elon Musk Discussing a Human-Free Workforce? + What Do You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots with Doctor Jason Dean
Artificial Intelligence | "Medical Nanorobots, Little Robots That Are the Sized of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Ray Kurzweil + "Adding to the Body a Second Immune System, Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nanorobots.&
Artificial Intelligence | "Today We Are Going to Be Interviewed By An AI?" - Bill Gates | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ray Kurzweil (Director of Engineering At Google)
Medical Nanorobots | "We'll Have Medical Nanorobots, Little Robotos That Are Computerized the Size of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - Ray Kurzweil (Chancellor of Singularity University & Lead Google Technologist
Ray Kurzweil | "By 2029 A.I. Will Match Any Person. People Think That It Will Happen Next Year or the Year After." + "We Will Have Medical Medical Nano-Robots, the Size of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System."