Man Taunts Stingray But The Stingray Hits Back

10 years ago

Humankind is so widely spread across the globe, we sometimes forget who else is here in the first place. We violate the habitats of other creatures and expect them to sit idle as we scare and torment them. That's what this foolish swimmer off the Gold Coast in Australia did when he tried to antagonize a stingray in the shallow water.

A marine expert from the Gold Coast has said that the stingray's behavior is extremely rare and it's most probable that the animal charged towards the man as a sign for him to back off.

“Usually what a ray has is a flight response, because most of whatever is after them is a predator like a large shark so in most cases, they want to get away as quickly as possible. It has come at him head first, but has not whipped its tail around so he is actually giving the guy the message to back off."

It seems that the swimmer had quite the luck because they call them stingrays for nothing. He could have ended up with some serious injuries but all he got was a warning, too bad he didn’t need it the first time and save himself the trouble. We urge our viewers to be considerate towards the wildlife, wherever they might encounter them. We all deserve a peaceful and decent life no matter the size or form we’re in.

Stingrays are normal in waterfront tropical and subtropical marine waters all around the world. A few animal types, for example, Dasyatis thetidis, are found in hotter calm seas, and others, for example, Plesiobatis daviesi, are found in the profound sea. The stream stingrays, and various whiptail stingrays, (for example, the Niger stingray), are limited to new water. Most myliobatoids are demersal (occupying the by least zone in the water section), however a few, for example, the pelagic stingray and the bird beams, are pelagic.

The straightened bodies of stingrays enable them to viably cover themselves in their surroundings. Stingrays do this by upsetting the sand and stowing away underneath it. Since their eyes are over their bodies and their mouths on the undersides, stingrays can't see their prey after the catch; rather, they utilize smell and electroreceptors (ampullae of Lorenzini) like those of sharks.[12] Stingrays settle on the base while nourishing, frequently leaving just their eyes and tails noticeable. Coral reefs are most loved bolstering grounds and are typically imparted to sharks amid a high tide.

But, you need to know how to protect yourself from stingrays. You will need an ability to shuffle your feet, a very hot or chemical heat pack. Also, it would come in handy if you have water shoes or stingrays guards or leggings and a thermometer. Step 1: Do the stingray shuffle. Slide your feet along the ocean, rather than lifting them. Step 2: consider wearing water shoes. If you step on a stingray, your footwear may prevent the barb from penetrating.

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