TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Because Arizona Legislature & US Senate REFUSE To Do Their Jobs But LOVE Violating Their Oaths! 130,000 MISSING Ballots, 47.4% Reject Rate, 20% Vote Centers Erased Results & MORE!
KATIE HOBBS MUST BE REMOVED AS ARIZONA GOVERNOR NOW! Massive Evidence Proves Election ILLEGAL. Mayes NOT AG, Gallego NOT Senator! “Investigation” Is 1 Year Old & NOTHING WILL HAPPEN-Criminals Protecting Each Other. President Trump MUST INVESTIGATE
#318 PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots In Maricopa County. ELECTION SET ASIDE...TRUMP WINS BY 34,652! Election Crimes MUST STOP...We DEMAND Our Sacred Right Of Voting BACK!
#330 MARICOPA COUNTY REJECTED 130,000 Early Ballots 11/6 & 11/7 BUT CERTIFIED ONLY 8,559 Were For ENTIRE Election. Where Are MISSING Ballots? Why Are RNC, AZGOP, Kari Lake, Harmeet Dhillon, Jen Wright Silent? Results ILLEGIT…TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE!
#331 Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Of 2020, ‘22 & ‘24 Is The Model For ‘Merica! Results Are Not Accurate & Can Not Be Trusted. “Officials” In Office Are Squatters & Illegitimate. TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE…TIME TO PROSECUTE!
#331 Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Of 2020, ‘22 & ‘24 Is The Model For ‘Merica! Results Are Not Accurate & Can Not Be Trusted. “Officials” In Office Are Squatters & Illegitimate. TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE…TIME TO PROSECUTE!