✝️ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Speaks Out About the SCAMdemic, World News, Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, Trudeau Crimes, Gaza, Israel and More
Banking Crisis | Did Joe Biden Just Nationalize the Banking Industry? Did Obama Nationalize Medicine? Did March Towards Marxism and Digital Dictatorship Just Become a SPRINT!!! With Special Guests Mel K and Doctor Jim Meehan
General Flynn | Is America Sprinting Towards Marxism? Could There Be A Connection Between the CBDCs, Transhumanism, Marxism, the Internet of Bodies and The Great Reset?
Culture War | Are COVID Injections Bioweapons? Guests: Attorney Todd Callender and Whistleblower Jeffrey Prather | “Exempted from the Investigative New Drug Process and Delivered Straight to People’s Veins”