Legal news , I provide education on diversified topic including Immigration , Legal , biblical , Social and other current issues which occurs in Canada and rest of the world. My message is addressed to Habesha people in Amharic language . Some times I pr
Several natural behaviors and traits of wild cats may have been pre-adapted to their domestication as pets. These characteristics include their small size, social nature, clear body language, love of play and high intelligence
A channel that includes all contents, laughter, music, social experiences, songs .... Thank you
Reid Rasner vows to ‘revolutionize’ social media with $47.45 billion TikTok bid
Habits of Super Successful People | How Do Successful People Deal w/ the Perpetual Distractions Posed By the Modern World Including: Text Messages, Social Media Comments, Emails, Online Comments, & Fashion Distractions
Tensions Intensify between Trump & Iran, Night Light Show of Rampant Trump Idolatry, Last Weekend's Historic Outbreak Included 66 Tornadoes, Let's Stay Focused On Jesus