Yuval Noah Harari | Ending Marriage | "You Don't Need Children, You Can Have a Pension Fund. You Don't Need Neighbors, Sisters or Brothers. The State Provides You With Everything."
The Anti-Christ Spirit of Yuval Noah Harari | "The Last Presidential Election In U.S. History?!" Man Praised by Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg & Schwab: Changing Money, Changing Laws, Hacking Humans, Changing Time & Surveillance Under the Skin
Underground Cities, Emerald City Under the Pentagon, Rainforest and a Canyon that Splits from the Dark Side Where There are Giants + A Treaty with the Giants, They Are Fed Human Flesh + Knights Templar, Massive Building Projects During 12-16th Centuries
Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal · May 23, 2024 Greg Reese · A means of monitoring and controlling the entire human population - With link to mentioned document