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  1. My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

    My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

  2. My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

    My Mother is in ICU for 10 Days with COPD & Ventilation, Does She Need a Tracheostomy or Extubation?

  3. High Risk Extubation to BiPAP 70% FiO2 Instead of Tracheostomy! This is How We Help Families in ICU!

    High Risk Extubation to BiPAP 70% FiO2 Instead of Tracheostomy! This is How We Help Families in ICU!

  4. Quick tip for families in ICU: Extubation, tracheostomy or hospice? What is best for my loved one?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Extubation, tracheostomy or hospice? What is best for my loved one?

  5. Quick tip for families in ICU: Extubation, tracheostomy or hospice? What is best for my loved one?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Extubation, tracheostomy or hospice? What is best for my loved one?

  6. What are My Mom's Chances of Survival After Double Heart Attack, Failed Extubation & Kidney Failure?

    What are My Mom's Chances of Survival After Double Heart Attack, Failed Extubation & Kidney Failure?

  7. Should my mom have a tracheostomy or extubation at age 93 after aspiration pneumonia?

    Should my mom have a tracheostomy or extubation at age 93 after aspiration pneumonia?

  8. Is it Medical Negligence if Nasogastric Tube Feeds are Not Stopped Before Extubation?

    Is it Medical Negligence if Nasogastric Tube Feeds are Not Stopped Before Extubation?

  9. We Should Focus on People Waking Up, Recovering, Walking Again, Rather Than Worry Self Extubation

    We Should Focus on People Waking Up, Recovering, Walking Again, Rather Than Worry Self Extubation

  10. What if a Trial Extubation is Failing? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

    What if a Trial Extubation is Failing? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

  11. Should a Trial Extubation be Done for My Husband in ICU with Aspiration Pneumonia?

    Should a Trial Extubation be Done for My Husband in ICU with Aspiration Pneumonia?

  12. How to Avoid Reintubation After Extubation? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    How to Avoid Reintubation After Extubation? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  13. The ICU Team Wants To Do a One-Way Extubation and Let Her Die.What Do I Need To Do To Save Her Life?

    The ICU Team Wants To Do a One-Way Extubation and Let Her Die.What Do I Need To Do To Save Her Life?

  14. Case study: How to save your loved one’s life in ICU or how to prevent a “one way extubation”

    Case study: How to save your loved one’s life in ICU or how to prevent a “one way extubation”

  15. Quick tip for families in Intensive care: What to expect after extubation in intensive care?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive care: What to expect after extubation in intensive care?

  16. Case study: How to save your loved one’s life in ICU or how to prevent a “one way extubation”

    Case study: How to save your loved one’s life in ICU or how to prevent a “one way extubation”

  17. Is it legal to ignore an advanced care directive in ICU and prematurely do a one way extubation?

    Is it legal to ignore an advanced care directive in ICU and prematurely do a one way extubation?

  18. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: What to Expect After Extubation in Intensive Care?

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: What to Expect After Extubation in Intensive Care?

  19. The ICU team is trying to stonewall questions about my mom in ICU. Should I make a complaint?

    The ICU team is trying to stonewall questions about my mom in ICU. Should I make a complaint?

  20. Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

    Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

  21. After Coming Off the Ventilator, Is There a Chance to Go Again Ventilated?

    After Coming Off the Ventilator, Is There a Chance to Go Again Ventilated?
