2 years ago🔥(4k) Vancouver's Homeless Crisis: Worst Area The Downtown Eastside East Hastings Can It Be Fixed?wanderwithcause
6 months ago[4K] Walking through Vancouver Downtown Homeless East Hastings Street & ChinatownAsasa's Tour
1 year agoVancouver's Homeless Epidemic: Downward Spiral Of Vancouver Downtown East Side / East Hastings Stwanderwithcause
1 year ago🚨 (4k) Vancouver Homelessness Is A 24 Hr A Day Nightmare In Vancouver On East Hastings Streetwanderwithcause
3 years agoVancouver Streets, Skid Row, East Hastings St., What's Happening TonightVancouver Activity
2 years agoWhy Are There So Many Homeless In Vancouver, B.C On East Hastings Street Downtown Eastside? 🇨🇦wanderwithcause
3 years agoGod’s Patience is found everywhere…even in East Hastings, Vancouver...The Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoEast Hastings-Where the demons come out to play & where we love to spread the Gospel!The Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoAnother great day in East Hastings- please pray for a harvest in these End Days.The Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoEast Hastings BC Evangelizing. Never a dull moment. We will keep on trying to give the Gospel of JCThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
1 year ago🚨Vancouver Homeless Armageddon On The Downtown East Side / East Hastings Street & Surrounding Areawanderwithcause