USA-Sponsored Terrorism. That's What Has –BEEN– Happening! And the Political Left, the Religious Right, and the Rest of the #BackfillPeople are Facilitators! | Greg Greese
James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign—THIS is How You Confront the Illuminati's Homegrown [Literally] No-Soul #BackfillPeople.
They are Reptilian-Gene'd From Secret South American Labs and Engineering Programs—#BackfillPeople. | Alex Jones: Illegal Aliens ABOVE THE LAW Walk Free After Attacking NYPD Officers!
She's So Confident with the Illuminati Behind Her and Protecting Her That She Shows Every Bit of Her Lunacy, Lack of Integrity, and Willingness to be an Illuminati Minion—DEFINITION of #BackfillPeople. | E. Jean Carroll #CRINGE
YOU’RE NOT GETTING IT 💉 SO DOESN’T MATTER, BUT HERE’S WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: You are Jumping to Higher Timelines, and What That Looks Like to You is #BackfillPeople and Real [But Ill-Prepared] Souls Being Removed.
The Real Meaning of What is Happening in the Middle East and the World in General Right Now + More on NPC's and/or The #BackfillPeople! | Jean Noland of “Inspired”
SHOCKER? (Not Really – Not Unless You're Really That Asleep, or a Deliberately Sold Soul, or One of the Many Soul-Less #BackfillPeople!) — A.I. Rewrites History and Erases Whites! | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
NYC Protest Begins! Truckers Block, Investors Boycott, and Businesses Move OUT. | Side Note: Truth Social is BORING, a Just-As-Sensitive-As-The-Left Christian Echo Chamber, AKA Glass-Ceiling Limited Ascension and EVEN Straight Up #BackfillPeople!
Assange Faces Life-Or-Death Extradition Appeal as Rothschild-Owned Media Promotes Apathy to it's By-Default Minion/Flunky Lib Army, AKA #BackfillPeople! + The Honest Screw-Ups of President Trump with His Last Administration!!—Gotta Keep it REAL.
OFFICIALLY EXPOSED: Journalists are NPC/Puppet [Narrative] Matrix Upholders! | The #BackfillPeople (Who are They Exactly?—Additional Link in Description).
THE GREAT SOLAR FLASH 🌞 WEin5D’s Commentary on This Event, and Ismael Perez’s Interview on Project Camelot. [UPDATE: An Interview w/ Mike @ WEin5D and Ismael Has Taken Place—Link in Description Below ⬇️]