Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet) - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) - SHOW NOTES IN THE DESCRIPTION 👇
To battle new threats spy agencies to share more intelligence with private sector - Let's Talk About That "SHARED INTELLIGENCE" 802.15.6 IEEE Working Group (WBAN) (PAN) - SHOW NOTES IN THE DESCRIPTION 👇
We should talk about the reality of the "ALTERNATIVE" Media and The REAL REASON For Karen Kingston's Situation - 802.15.6 (WBAN) IEEE Working Group! NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT ASK YOURSELF WHY?🤫
PERCHè OGNI COSA E' POSSIBILE A DIO Marco 10:27 quindi anche REINTRODURRE PER TUTTA L'UMANITà i 613 COMANDAMENTI dell'ANTICO testamento?(scherzo) mancate 1 fuori dai coglioni e parlerete poi con Dio alla fine del mondo
Bidirectional remote deep brain control with magnetic anisotropic nanomaterials - Biodigital Convergence, Bioconvergence, HORIZONS EU, Policy Horizons Canada
WBAN, Global Information Grid & Biosensor architecture: hiding a human body part successfully! - ASK AGENT MALONE & AGENT MIKE ADDAMS WHY THEY KEEP LYING TO YOU! PROOF IN THE DESCRIPTION👇
Realization & Bio-Digitalization: Revelation of the Method - Please support Matt the Unceded . He's desperately trying to get the word out regarding the biodigital convergence & all the controlled opposition involved in the scam.