Elon Musk | "Elon Musk Is Owned Lock, Stock & Barrel By the Chinese Communist Party & He Acts Like It." - Steve Bannon (2023) + "I'm Somewhat Encouraged By China's Willingness to Engage In AI Regulation." Musk (2023)
Elon Musk | "I'm Somewhat Encouraged By China's Willingness to Engage In AI (Artificial Intelligence) Regulation. I Did Point Out That If You Get Some Literal Super Intelligence It Might Be In Charge of China Instead of You." 6/13/2023
General Flynn & The Great Reset Exposing ReAwaken America Heads to Miami, Florida (October 13th & 14th 2023) Featuring: Jim Breuer, Malik Obama, Eric Trump Lara Trump, Dr. Stella, & Team America | Request Tickets Via Text At: 918-851-0102
Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson’s Epic Wilmington Speech of October 5th 2023 + Barry Hinckley | Is It Time for a ReDeclaration of Independence? Why Tucker Carlson’s Wilmington Speech Was a Wakeup Call for So Many? + Barry Hinckley
Iran and Hezbollah | Tucker Carlson Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor "We Are Not In Strong Position, We Are Probably At Our Weakest Point In Recent History...We Have No Real Army Anymore." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor (October 24th 2023)
De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Happening Now?! BREAKING! USDebtClock.org Adds a Dollar Supply Countdown Feature & Is Currently On Pace to Be Completely Depleted By October 8th 2023?! See Yourself At: USDebtClock.Org
President Trump | "I'm Stuck Here Because I Have a Corrupt Attorney General That Communicates With the DOJ In Washington to Keep Me Nice & Busy Because I'm Leading Biden In the Polls By Alot." - Trump (October 4th 2023) + Letitia J
Yuval Noah Harari | "Now There Is Something On Earth That Can Write Texts, That Can Generate Music, Can Even Invent New Religious Mythologies." - 12/6/2024 + "AI Can Event Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
Dollar Collapse | "When the ALL AT ONCE COMES, It's Going to Be a Religious Experience & One That I Don't Think Will Be Very Pleasant for the Majority of the People." - Andy Schectman (October 11th 2023)
Rashid Buttar | Doctor Rashid Buttar Was Right! + Dr. Buttar's Final Message | Rest In Peace Doctor Rashid Buttar (1966-2023) | CNN's Drew Griffin, 'I’m vaccinated. You think there is a ticking time bomb in me and I’m going to die?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About the Ideological Movement Which Was the Worst In History And Take a Few Minutes to Think What Would They Do With the Technology That I'm Developing Right Now?" - Harari (1/3/2023)
President Trump | "The Judge Conceded That the Statute of Limitations Is In Effect, Therefore 80% of the Case Is Over. The Attorney General of New York Is a Disgrace. Letitia James Is a Disgrace" - President Donald J. Trump (October 2nd 2023)