It Is Time To Wake The People Up! - Barry Wunsch
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz interviews Barry Wunsch on Friday, January 10 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Barry discusses justice coming against the wicked, the transfer of wealth, preparing to disciple nations, Canadian updates, and more! You can connect with Barry at https://thecanadianhammer.com/ Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://ElijahStreams.com/Donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to: “ElijahStreams” and mail it to: ElijahStreams, 525 2nd Ave SW, Suite 629, Albany, OR 97321 USA242K views 312 comments -
Stand Strong, Fight, Occupy Till He Comes! - Robin Bullock
ElijahStreamsJoin us this Tuesday as Steve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on October 15 at 12PM Pacific Time. Robin will be discussing the latest intelligence briefing, including election updates, and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Robin Bullock! Connect with Prophet Robin at robindbullock.com. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://ElijahStreams.com/Donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to: “ElijahStreams” and mail it to: ElijahStreams, 525 2nd Ave SW, Suite 629, Albany, OR 97321 USA179K views 365 comments -
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz will be interviewing Barry Wunsch on September 26 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Barry will be discussing major evidence coming forth, a new Kingdom governance, wealth resources God is releasing, and more! Please join us this Thursday with Barry Wunsch! You can connect with Barry at https://thecanadianhammer.com/ Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA270K views 379 comments -
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz will be interviewing Barry Wunsch on August 23 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Barry will be discussing prophetic words for Israel and USA, gold from God’s treasury being released, Canadian updates, and more! Please join us this Friday with Barry Wunsch! You can connect with Barry at https://thecanadianhammer.com/ Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA219K views 225 comments -
ROBIN BULLOCK: A Shot Heard Around the World - Donald Trump Won!
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock on July 16 at Noon Pacific Time. Robin discusses the latest prophetic intelligence. Please join us this Tuesday with Robin Bullock! Connect with Prophet Robin at robindbullock.com. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA263K views 293 comments -
SPECIAL TRUMP UPDATE WITH ROBIN BULLOCK: Nothing Has Changed - Trump is Still Heaven's Choice!
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock on June 4 at noon Pacific Time. Robin discusses the latest prophetic intelligence. Please join us this Tuesday with Robin Bullock! Connect with Prophet Robin at robindbullock.com. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA275K views 308 comments -
Robin Bullock: The Evil of Abortion! Plus Closing Demonic Portals!
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock on May 16 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Robin discusses the latest prophetic intelligence. Please join us this Thursday with Robin Bullock! Connect with Prophet Robin at www.robindbullock.com. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / ElijahStreams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA206K views 278 comments -
Robin Bullock: Israel, God's Sovereignty and Signs of the Eclipse
ElijahStreamsSteve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock on April 11 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Robin discusses how Israel affects the world, the sovereignty of God, signs of the eclipse, closing demonic portals, and more! Please join us this Thursday with Robin Bullock! Connect with Robin at www.robindbullock.com. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible! Click here to learn how to partner with us: https://elijahstreams.com/donate Prefer to donate by mail? Make your check or money order (US Dollars) payable to "ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES" and mail it to: Elijah List Ministries / Elijah Streams TV 525 2nd Ave SW Suite 629 Albany, OR 97321 USA Book your Israel September Tour with ElijahStreams NOW: www.ElijahStreams.com/Israel2024254K views 472 comments