Wood cook stoves
3 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Cooking using wood a cookstove.
How to use a wood cook stove.
Using a wood cook stove.
How to maintain a wood cook stove.
Old fashioned wood stove for cooking.
Wood Cook Stove Basics.
Sensible HomesteadThe wood stove is iconic when it comes to pioneer life, but how is it used? How is it maintained and how do we prevent problems? Lastly is it right for you? Help me answer the questions i couldn't find answers to when I purchased mine!!831 views 3 comments -
Wood Cook Stove Cooking
Sensible HomesteadCooking old time food on the iconic wood cook stove. Making old fashioned fried oatmeal, oatmeal mush.656 views -
Cut, Split, 🔥, Empty, Repeat!
Sensible Homesteadbeginning to end Wood The wood cycle443 views 2 comments