Big Pharma Free
43 videos
Updated 10 days ago
Videos of how to break away from the pharma industry and what to stay away from
Is Adrenochrome Making People Psychotic? #CtizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone100 views -
Flavor Enhancement = Aborted Babies - Your Becoming a Cannibal Without Realizing it! #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone Discover more: https://karendehavenwellness.com/aborted-fetal-cell-lines-used-in-flavor-enhancers/ Life Site News https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/biotech-company-using-cell-lines-from-aborted-babies-in-food-enhancement-te/ Who uses this company?... https://www.claritynews.io/news/a-comprehensive-list-of-food-companies-and-products-that-use-senomyx https://ethicalresearch.net/products-that-use-aborted-fetuses/231 views 8 comments -
Why are Medical Journals Being Deleted?!... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone202 views -
TURBO CANCER - Killing Canada's Doctors?... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone276 views 2 comments -
Prescription Drugs - 3rd Largest Killer... Become Big Pharma Free! #CitizenCast
Citizen CastHow many drugs do you take? Do you know all the conflicts with other drugs and food? Does your doctor know? https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2016/06/16/peter-c-gotzsche-prescription-drugs-are-the-third-leading-cause-of-death/ For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone171 views -
Pharmaceuticals in Your Produce Isle?! Oh, hell no... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone194 views -
Their Injecting is the Infection! #CitizenCast
PJReportFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone62 views -
Regrowing Teeth With Frequency?!... What Happened to this Technology? #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone251 views 1 comment -
Would you use a Therapy with a 97% Failure Rate?... #CitizenCast
Citizen CastFor my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone144 views -
Man with Terminal Cancer Cures Himself with dog Dewormer
Citizen CastI guess when you're told you have months to live, you'll try anything For my socials and more : https://linktr.ee/citizenone361 views 1 comment