Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 6
John_GoetzAfter a treacherous romp through a spooooky prison, we appear to be NEAR the end of Silence Hilltisms. We shall see though and I battle no matter how long and no matter how much alcomatisms are required!49 views 1 comment -
Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 5
John_GoetzThat dickhead Pyramid Head threw me down an elevator shaft into another dimension last time after defeating a caged tubed sausage boss fight. Yeah I don't understand it either but my shitting cup is ready to go once more!53 views 1 comment -
Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 4
John_GoetzLast stream we defeated Pyramid Head and probably will NEVER see him again! Anywho let us explore more of the eternally foggy town with the worst mannequins ever.70 views 1 comment -
Silent Hill 2 Remake Part 3
John_GoetzAlright I did the boring task of finding the final coin off-stream. So now time for me to crap my pants more times.64 views 1 comment -
Silent Hill 2 Remake
John_GoetzLet us delve into a classic in what will be for me the first time! Despite being a Playstation guy all my life I've never played one of these so it's uncharted water!59 views 1 comment