Book - Colossians
2 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Studies Through the Book of Colossians
September 17, 2023 - "Jesus In You, Living Through You, To the Glory Of God" - Colossians 1:27
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsIf all Jesus did was die on the cross to get you into heaven, and then just wait for you to get there, that would not be much of a "salvation," would it? It'd be a salvation that made you fit for heaven, technically, but on earth you would be hopelessly inadequate. This is the reality: the life that He lived qualified Him for the death He died, and the death that He died qualifies YOU to receive the life that HE lived! Wow! The Christian life can only be lived by Christ, therefore, as we yield our lives to Him, He lives out the life, that only He can live, in us and through us! This is glorious!1 comment -
September 25, 2022 - "Jesus In You, the Hope of Glory" - Colossians 1:27
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe Lord Jesus died upon the cross, not just to get you out of hell and into heaven, He died on the cross to get God out of heaven and into you! But there is more! This is the successful Christian life: God residing in the man, and God and being God through the man by the man freely surrendering his will and life to Him, moment by moment.