Book - Ezekiel
18 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Studies Through the Book of Ezekiel
September 20, 2023 - "Our Role: Teaching Others to Discern Between Right and Wrong" - Ezekiel 44-48
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe role of spiritual leaders is to teach others to discern between right and wrong, truth and lies in all aspects of life, not just the religious. How do you think American pastors are doing? The last 8 Chapters of Ezekiel gives a detailed description of life in Jerusalem during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. It is for the Jewish people. The Church will be serving in a different capacity as Co-Regents with our King Jesus. It will be a time of unparalleled Beauty, Truth, and Righteousness upon the Earth.3 comments -
September 13, 2023 - "The Millennial Temple" - Ezekiel 40-43
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThis section of Ezekiel describes the details of the Temple and compound that will be built in Jerusalem during the 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ when He returns to set up God’s Kingdom on the earth. It’s architectural design blueprints has tremendous significance to us as we continue to learn about God.1 comment -
August 30, 2023 - "Gog: Is It Russia Or the Antichrist?" - Ezekiel 37-39
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsEzekiel 37-39 are the most popular chapters in the book of Ezekiel because of the view that Gog and Magog refer to a coalition of nations led by Russia invading Israel. This is one of those teachings in the Bible where there is great latitude for disagreement, and still ability to be in perfect harmony with fellow believers. Nowhere in the New Testament does it speak of Russia invading Israel as a sign of the End Times. There are many, many other signs of the times that are more relevant than Russia’s involvement in the Middle East. We have the word of Jesus to 'Be Ready'! If we need to look to Russia’s military movements to know we are near the rapture, then we are in big trouble. I think the Word of Jesus to 'Be Ready' is a sufficient enough reason to be ready!2 comments -
August 9, 2023 - "Pride Brings Down a Nation" - Ezekiel 29-31
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsEgypt was so proud in all they built. Egyptian monuments and water canals were indeed a marvel in the ancient world. For centuries, they ruled the world and were the envy of the world! But their pride was their downfall. The Lord used another wicked nation to judge that wicked nation. It happens… God uses an evil nation as His instrument of judgement on other wicked nations. It's best if we learn from this example and humble ourselves in the sight of the Almighty.1 comment -
August 2, 2023 - "The Fall Of Satan" - Ezekiel 26-28
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThese chapters outline the fall of the ancient Phoenician city of Tyre on the coast of the Mediterranean in modern-day Lebanon. The people of Tyre were a seafaring people, and tremendous wealth was accumulated by them through sea trading routes. In Ezekiel 28, God addresses the power behind this most prosperous cities of the ancient world. God moves from the material to the spiritual power of Satan himself. This will be a fascinating discussion. Satan was a worship leader, a powerful angel, he is created, he was adorned with beauty, but fell because of his pride! Pride is the mother of all sins! It is what turned angels into devils.1 comment -
July 26, 2023 - "When God Hurts" - Ezekiel 24-26
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsWe often think that our sin does not affect anyone else - but it does, it hurts God. God could think of no better way to explain what the sin of His people was doing to Him, so God explained the pain as if it was a husband's wife committing adultery, or if a couple that is in great love of each other and the wife dies. The pain can be unbearable. This is the pain God was feeling when His own people turned to sin and the lust of the flesh to worship all kinds of lusts – it tore God’s heart apart, like a spouse that dies. Our sin has far-reaching effects, let's confess our sins and turn from them.2 comments -
July 19, 2023 - "Standing In the Gap" - Ezekiel 21-23
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe country was in moral and spiritual decline. It was on a fast-track to self-destruction, it was only a matter of time. God was warning the people of the impending doom because of their transgressions and sin. They continued to ignore the Lord. So, God was looking for someone to pray, to interceded, to “stand in the gap” and pray on behalf of the land so that God’s hand of judgement would be put on pause. But God found no one! May we always continue to pray for those in our life that reject the Lord, that God would have mercy upon them and they repent.1 comment