playlist thumnail

Multiple Shooters

17 videos
Updated 8 days ago
  1. 1
  2. 2
    Bodycam Slow-Mo Explains Trump 8/8 Statement: One Shooter in FBI Custody, The Other Dead on Roof
  3. 3
    SGT Special Report: Antifa Assassin - Matthew Thomas Crooks was Yearick's Alias on Steam
  4. 4
    Is He the Real Shooter, a Patsy, an Intel Operative-Who is Maxwell Yearick?
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
    Police Radio: Two in Custody- 2nd in Red Shirt (Dave?) or Red Shirt With the 2nd, or Red Shit/Dave was with Crooks/Yearick? JW Bodycam
  8. 8
    Jeff Ostroff 8/7: Two Gunmen? Audio Analysis, Path to Roof, Possible Handprints & Footprints
  9. 9
    Cullen: Two Shooters on Roof? Rifle Planted? Theory Crooks was Shot in Fox Video
  10. 10
    Davis: Martenson's Audio Doctored, Discrepancies in Crooks Position; NO WAY his Wound from S.Snipers