Book - 2 Kings
3 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Studies Through the Book of 2 Kings
June 15, 2022 - "The Fall of A Nation, Part 2" - 2 Kings 24-25
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsWe continue to see that what caused the fall of the nation of Judah was their sin and rebellion against God and His Word. The strength of a nation does not lie in its military or technology, but in its righteousness before God. Holiness is the foundation of a country's national defense. How much longer will it be before America falls into the hands of its enemies? Well, spiritually, politically, economically, medically – we already have. We are a slave state to the global Marxists. Will they ever strike militarily? Only God knows. But if we follow the pattern of ancient Judah the answer is yes, and soon. Are you ready? -
June 8, 2022 - "The Fall of A Nation, Part 1" - 2 Kings 24-25
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsAs we review the spiritual and moral condition that led to a military invasion of Judah, we cannot help but wonder: will this be America’s fate? Will we be invaded or attacked by a foreign power because of our filthy, vile, morally corrupt nation? The moral and physical attack on children is shocking! From drag queen shows for kids to teachers abusing kindergarten kids while on camera! From vaccine insanity deception to bodily mutilation, the end of this country cannot be far away. We have turned into Sodom and Gomorrah. If we are attacked militarily by Russia or China, would anyone be surprised? -
June 1, 2022 - "The Good King" - 2 Kings 22
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsJudah's moral decline was undeniable, and the fall of the nation was inevitable - they would soon be conquered by the ferocious Babylonians. But God, in His mercy, raised up Josiah as king to institute moral and spiritual reforms in the nation, postponing the Lord's judgement for a little while, giving more people the chance to get saved and allowing time for a whole new generation of righteous (like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) to rise up. Today, as we witness the fall of America, the Lord is working by raising up a new generation of righteous who will not compromise with sin. Praise the Lord who gives us the victory!