Killing the Mockingbird: Deep State Control of the Media | CIA Media Manipulation
MedeeaGreereKilling the Mockingbird: Deep State Control of the Media and CIA Media Manipulation (Must See Video) Ever notice most of the news channels are saying the same thing at the exact same time? Operation Mockingbird was created by the CIA, to weaponize news outlets against the general public. You are being programmed. Further proof the lamestream media is controlled by one entity, and can’t be trusted as a reliable source. Question everything. Operation Mockingbird indicates the CIA’s involvement in the manipulation of the news published in the United States and across the world. Today, one can identify such manipulation with fake news. READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/killing-the-mockingbird-deep-state-control-of-the-media-and-cia-media-manipulation-must-see-video/ SEE ALSO: CIA “Threat List”: Names 8 MILLION AMERICANS Who WILL BE DETAINED or EXECUTED When MARTIAL LAW Is Imposed (VIDEO) - https://amg-news.com/cia-threat-list-names-8-million-americans-who-will-be-detained-or-executed-when-martial-law-is-imposed-video/ Please Share The World! Share on Twitter! Join Us: https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 View More News Here: https://amg-news.com94.8K views 65 comments