October 15, 2023 - The Truth About Israel
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsIn the coming days, we will be shown the casualties of war in the Gaza strip. The world will be on fire over it. There will be protests and a cry of 'Death to Israel,' 'Death to America.' Christians will be a target because of our spiritual link with the Jewish people. The spiritual source of this hatred? – Islam. Islam is the driving force to kill 'the Jew first, the infidel second.' Today, I want to give you some truth about the state of Israel that you will not hear in the Marxist Media of the world. -
October 8, 2023 - "The Role of Israel in Bible Prophecy"
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThere is another war in Israel. Israel is the center of all End-Time Bible prophecy because Jesus will return to Israel to rule for 1000 years. As Israel goes, so goes Bible prophecy. Whenever something significant happens in Israel, it should grab our attention for it could be the domino that starts the End Times scenario in motion. If the current war escalates and Iran gets involved, things could get very, very interesting! Let’s keep our trust in the Lord and be ready for Him at any moment.1 comment