The Truth About Cancer: Health Nugget 72 - Your Fast Food is Loaded With Plasticizers
The Truth About CancerDiscover the shocking truth about your favorite fast food in our latest eye-opening health nugget! While the convenience and taste of fast food may be tempting, a recent study found that over 80% of tested items from major chains contained plasticizers called phthalates. These hormone-disrupting chemicals have been linked to reproductive health problems, raising concerns about the potential risks, especially for low-income individuals and people of color who may be disproportionately exposed. Learn why it might be time to reconsider that drive-thru habit and prioritize healthier food choices for your well-being! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ty & Charlene Bollinger are the Founders of The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines. They are Christians, proud parents of four children, business owners and Health Freedom Activists. Charlene recently started a toxic free, luxury skincare line of perfect skincare products - CHARLIS. Charlene & Ty just launched the World Premiere of their latest 9 episode documentary series, Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]. Together they are proud members of the "Disinformation Dozen" risking everything to bring the truth about cancer, vaccines, and real medicine, that saves countless lives into the world, for you. Ty and Charlene have been on this mission together to reach as many people around the world with the truth that saves lives as they can and they need your help! As you know they are being censored with many other truth tellers. Please support their mission by sharing this video! Next, you can support them by going to www.thetruthaboutcancer.com and signing up for their FREE Newsletter! Also, join Ty & Charlene on Alt Social Media platforms where the TRUTH is allowed and join the discussion there Follow, Subscribe, & SHARE: 1. Telegram: https://t.me/TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines 2. GAB: https://gab.com/TyCharleneBollinger 3. GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/cancertruth 4. TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@TheTruthAboutCancer 5. CloutHub: https://app.clouthub.com/#/users/u/TheTruthAboutCancer 6. Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/vX3lcHH4Dvp0/ 7. Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheTruthAboutCancerOfficial 8. Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/thetruthaboutcancer6.48K views 1 comment -
RAVries"If instead of suppressing symptoms, our goal is healing, what would be different!!?" ~ Kimberley Gamble 👇🏼 "In fact, music seems to be the master key, to understanding the Unified Field! Tuning ourselves, to resonate with how the universe works, gives us a way to come into harmony with one another, and with our planetary home." ~Foster Gamble 🔻👇🏼🔻 THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes explores breakthrough innovations from around the world, unpacks the principles they have in common and offers insights, tools and strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. 👇🏼 THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and inventions that have the power to transform life for everyone. Unpacking the strategies, the science, and the principles that underlie the most potent solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing, THRIVE II brings compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the “Unified Field” and all that it implies. 👇🏼 Inspiring trans-political, grass roots, decentralized solutions, THRIVE II offers practical tools for reclaiming authority over our lives. From new sources of energy to breakthrough health cures, THRIVE II provides the insights and resources needed for viewers to take next steps in accessing and supporting the solutions that can truly create a world that works for everyone. 👇🏼 WATCH THRIVE PART 1 🔻 🎥 Watch: The World Is Waking Up -- ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL MUST WATCH -- THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? https://rumble.com/v2ay170-thrive-official-movie-what-on-earth-will-it-take.html 🔻👇🏼🔻 The link to the Thrivemovement website http://www.thrivemovement.com . The link to the Thriveon.com website https://www.thriveon.com 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Reality of Truth https://rumble.com/v2b4fy8-the-reality-of-truth.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=12 . 🔻👇🏼🔻 WATCH ALL EPISODES OF THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER - A GLOBAL QUEST 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 1: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 1 -- The True History Of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly https://rumble.com/v20nqa8-the-truth-about-cancer-episode-1.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 2: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 2 -- Cancer-Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils https://rumble.com/v20rk00-the-truth-about-cancer-episode-2.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episodes 3 through 9: The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest Episodes 3 Through 9 - Let Food Be Thy Medicine https://rumble.com/v21003s-the-truth-about-cancer-a-global-quest-episodes-3-through-9-let-food-be-thy-.html 🔻👇🔻 GERSON THERAPY NATURAL HEALING DOCUMENTARIES & DISEASE PREVENTION 🔻 🎥 Watch: A WAKE UP CALL The Gerson Miracle - Dr. Max Gerson's Vision for Natural Healing (2004) https://rumble.com/v227vy4-the-gerson-miracle-dr.-max-gersons-vision-for-natural-healing-2004.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Dying To Have Known (2006) - Preventing & Healing Cancer & Chronic Disease with The Gerson Therapy https://rumble.com/v22kf50-dying-to-have-known-2006.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH On Healing Our Bodies & Curing Cancer - Gerson Therapy (2008 Full Length) https://rumble.com/v22178e-the-beautiful-truth-full-length-on-healing-our-bodies-and-curing-cancer-ger.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Heal Yourself, Heal the World: The Legacy of Dr. Max Gerson (2014) https://rumble.com/v22x99e-heal-yourself-heal-the-world-the-legendary-story-of-dr.-max-gerson.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy -- Interview with Howard Straus. Learn from Marcus Freudenmann, creator of Cancer is Curable Now, and Howard Straus, from the Gerson institute, how to apply the Gerson Therapy https://rumble.com/v23zzoa-the-gerson-therapy-interview-with-howard-straus.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy - Charlotte Gerson on Cancer I College of Naturopathic Medicine - The acclaimed Charlotte Gerson delivers a 3-hour long talk on the Gerson Therapy at CNM - LONDON https://rumble.com/v245ip0-the-gerson-therapy-.html 🔻👇🏼🔻 WATCH ALL EPISODES OF: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 1: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 1- JAPAN | The Land of the Rising Sun https://rumble.com/v2196vg-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 2: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 2 | TAIWAN The Beautiful Island https://rumble.com/v21efne-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 3: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 3 | PHILIPPINES Pearl of the Orient Seas https://rumble.com/v21fx0s-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 4: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 4 | SINGAPORE The Lion City https://rumble.com/v21kff6-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 5: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 5 | MALAYSIA The Land of Indigenous Malay https://rumble.com/v21llbi-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 6: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 6 | THAILAND - The Land of Smiles https://rumble.com/v21q7iu-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻 🎥 Watch Episode 7: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 7 | INDIA - The Land of Jambu Trees https://rumble.com/v21qfvo-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻👇🏼🔻 SUPPLEMENTAL 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Truth About Cancer Documentary - Interview with Dr Rath and Dr Niedzwiecki https://rumble.com/v213j2w-the-truth-about-cancer-documentary-interview-with-dr-rath-and-dr-niedzwieck.html 🔻 Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki have been featured in the online documentary “The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest” by Ty Bollinger. In this very revealing interview, recorded in Heerlen The Netherlands, together they elaborate on The Truth About Cancer, the defining of disease as a market place, the direct relations to developments in WW2, like IG-Farben, Bayer, Hoechst AG, and the Codex Alimentarius, in an old and perpetual globalist war on our human health. . After having listened to this interview, many things that you may not have connected before, now paint the picture of the real nature of the enemy of humanity, that are now closer than ever, to fulfill their hundreds of years old agenda and plan. 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up - Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski https://rumble.com/v21qwwm-the-cancer-cure-cover-up-conspiracy-documentary-dr.-stanislaw-burzynski.html . Breaking News: FDA Lifts Ban On Burzynski . Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history. . His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. The FDA proceeded to place a hold on any further trials, until now… . The Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. announced that the FDA has notified the company that its partial clinical hold on its IND for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections has been lifted. The FDA has determined that under its IND the Company may initiate its planned Phase 3 study in newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic, brainstem glioma. The Company is continuing discussions with the Agency in an effort to finalize additional details of the phase 3 study protocol for the potential clinical trial. . The FDA's decision to lift the clinical hold marks on an important step in the development of Antineoplastons for the treatment of various forms of brain tumors in the US. At the same time, the Company is evaluating possible next steps for the Antineoplastons clinical program given the current progress and anticipated resource requirements of the ongoing program. . Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing treatment for cancer based on genomic and epigenomic principles. Research and development efforts are focused on basic research and phase 3 clinical trials, particularly in the treatment of brain tumors and other forms of cancer. 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH On Healing Our Bodies & Curing Cancer - Gerson Therapy (2008 Full Length) https://rumble.com/v22178e-the-beautiful-truth-full-length-on-healing-our-bodies-and-curing-cancer-ger.html2.63K views 8 comments -
A WAKE UP CALL The Gerson Miracle - Dr. Max Gerson's Vision for Natural Healing (2004)
RAVriesIn 1928, Dr. Max Gerson, a German-Jewish researcher, developed a therapy that claims to have cured tens of thousands of people worldwide since then, including patients previously thought incurable by their doctors. The Gerson Miracle introduces us to the physician who developed The Gerson Therapy more than 75 years ago; a therapy that has proven to cure cancer and most other chronic and degenerative diseases. Through his own painful struggle with migraines, Dr. Max Gerson conceived a treatment based entirely on nutrition and the body's own ability to heal itself. The Gerson Miracle examines many of the elements of the Gerson Therapy, explaining why so many of us are so ill nowadays, and how we have in our grasp the power to recover our health without expensive, toxic or mutilating treatments, by way of supporting, restoring and nurturing the restorative defensive and healing forces of our own body's immune system. Even the most advanced cases of cancer can be successfully reversed, and prevented, using this method. While the results seem miraculous, the real "miracle" lies within our own body and its healing processes. In this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel, noted MD Max Gerson reveals a nutritional healing treatment that he claims can restore the body's ability to fight off cancer and numerous other degenerative diseases. The testimonies of a few "incurable" cancer patients highlight why this long-term cure could be much more effective than many of Dr. Gerson's critics may care, or be willing, to admit. 🔻👇🔻 OTHER NATURAL HEALING & DISEASE PREVENTION DOCUMENTARIES WITH GERSON THERAPY 🔻 🎥 Watch: DYING TO HAVE KNOWN (2006) - Preventing & Healing Cancer & Chronic Disease with The Gerson Therapy https://rumble.com/v22kf50-dying-to-have-known-2006.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH On Healing Our Bodies & Curing Cancer - Gerson Therapy (2008 Full Length) https://rumble.com/v22178e-the-beautiful-truth-full-length-on-healing-our-bodies-and-curing-cancer-ger.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Heal Yourself, Heal the World: The Legacy of Dr. Max Gerson (2014) https://rumble.com/v22x99e-heal-yourself-heal-the-world-the-legendary-story-of-dr.-max-gerson.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy -- Interview with Howard Straus. Learn from Marcus Freudenmann, creator of Cancer is Curable Now, and Howard Straus, from the Gerson institute, how to apply the Gerson Therapy https://rumble.com/v23zzoa-the-gerson-therapy-interview-with-howard-straus.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Gerson Therapy - Charlotte Gerson on Cancer I College of Naturopathic Medicine - The acclaimed Charlotte Gerson delivers a 3-hour long talk on the Gerson Therapy at CNM - LONDON https://rumble.com/v245ip0-the-gerson-therapy-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better -- Joseph Mercola interviews Sally K. Norton https://rumble.com/v23pptu-toxic-superfoods-how-oxalate-overload-is-making-you-sick.html 🔻👇🔻 WATCH ALL EPISODES OF: THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER - A GLOBAL QUEST 🎥 Watch Episode 1: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 1 -- The True History Of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly https://rumble.com/v20nqa8-the-truth-about-cancer-episode-1.html 🎥 Watch Episode 2: The Truth About Cancer -- Episode 2 -- Cancer-Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils https://rumble.com/v20rk00-the-truth-about-cancer-episode-2.html 🎥 Watch Episodes 3 through 9: The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest Episodes 3 Through 9 - Let Food Be Thy Medicine https://rumble.com/v21003s-the-truth-about-cancer-a-global-quest-episodes-3-through-9-let-food-be-thy-.html 🔻👇🔻 WATCH ALL EPISODES OF: EASTERN MEDICINE, JOURNEY THROUGH ASIA, 7 COUNTRIES IN 7 DAYS 🎥 Watch Episode 1: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 1- JAPAN | The Land of the Rising Sun https://rumble.com/v2196vg-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 2: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 2 | TAIWAN The Beautiful Island https://rumble.com/v21efne-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 3: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 3 | PHILIPPINES Pearl of the Orient Seas https://rumble.com/v21fx0s-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 4: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 4 | SINGAPORE The Lion City https://rumble.com/v21kff6-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 5: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 5 | MALAYSIA The Land of Indigenous Malay https://rumble.com/v21llbi-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 6: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 6 | THAILAND - The Land of Smiles https://rumble.com/v21q7iu-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🎥 Watch Episode 7: Eastern Medicine - Journey Through Asia - 7 Countries in 7 Days - Episode 7 | INDIA - The Land of Jambu Trees https://rumble.com/v21qfvo-eastern-medicine-journey-through-asia-7-countries-in-7-days.html 🔻👇🔻 SUPPLEMENTAL 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Truth About Cancer Documentary - Interview with Dr Rath and Dr Niedzwiecki https://rumble.com/v213j2w-the-truth-about-cancer-documentary-interview-with-dr-rath-and-dr-niedzwieck.html Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki have been featured in the online documentary “The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest” by Ty Bollinger. In this very revealing interview, recorded in Heerlen The Netherlands, together they elaborate on The Truth About Cancer, the defining of disease as a market place, the direct relations to developments in WW2, like IG-Farben, Bayer, Hoechst AG, and the Codex Alimentarius, in an old and perpetual globalist war on our human health. After having listened to this interview, many things that you may not have connected before, now paint the picture of the real nature of the enemy of humanity, that are now closer than ever, to fulfill their hundreds of years old agenda and plan. 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up - Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski https://rumble.com/v21qwwm-the-cancer-cure-cover-up-conspiracy-documentary-dr.-stanislaw-burzynski.html Breaking News: FDA Lifts Ban On Burzynski Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history. His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. The FDA proceeded to place a hold on any further trials, until now… The Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. announced that the FDA has notified the company that its partial clinical hold on its IND for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections has been lifted. The FDA has determined that under its IND the Company may initiate its planned Phase 3 study in newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic, brainstem glioma. The Company is continuing discussions with the Agency in an effort to finalize additional details of the phase 3 study protocol for the potential clinical trial. The FDA's decision to lift the clinical hold marks on an important step in the development of Antineoplastons for the treatment of various forms of brain tumors in the US. At the same time, the Company is evaluating possible next steps for the Antineoplastons clinical program given the current progress and anticipated resource requirements of the ongoing program. Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing treatment for cancer based on genomic and epigenomic principles. Research and development efforts are focused on basic research and phase 3 clinical trials, particularly in the treatment of brain tumors and other forms of cancer. 🔻👇🔻 HEMP OIL & THC -- THE CURE Another proven cure for cancer and many many many other diseases and ailments is hemp oil. Nowadays, CBD oil is approved for sale and use in many countries, but only when the amount of THC it contains is negligible. And the reason for this, is that THC cures cancer, and is extremely beneficial in the treatment of virtually everything else. And this is then also the obvious reason why all corrupt corporate globalists controlled "governments" in the world, have outlawed the sale of THC. If every human in the world would have free access to THC, then it appears to be a safe conclusion, that there would be NO DISEASE in the world. And obviously, this would be the end of Big-Pharma and their myriads of extremely profitable scams and crimes, that are rendering people dependent on their toxins. And thus, THC is forbidden for sale. In these two videos hereunder, Rick Simpson details and explains all about it, PLUS he also makes a batch of hemp oil, showing us & detailing to us all, how we can make the Hemp Oil Cure ourselves! 🔻 🎥 Watch: Run From the Cure - The Rick Simpson Story Full https://rumble.com/v1pkg5z-run-from-the-cure-the-rick-simpson-story-full.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Rick Simpson on Cannabis Extracts CBD/THC and This World's Corrupt Governments https://rumble.com/v1prs1x-interview-with-rick-simpson-on-cannabis-extracts-cbdthc-and-this-worlds-cor.html2.85K views 1 comment -
Challenging the Medical-Industrial Complex (Guest: Dr. John Bruchalski)
Crisis MagazineDr. John Bruchalski was an abortion-performing physician, but he came to question his views about the purpose of medicine, eventually becoming a pro-life obstetrician and bucking the medical establishment along the way. Guest: Dr. John Bruchalski earned his medical degree from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1987. He completed his OB/GYN residency at Eastern Virginia Medical Center and the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1991. He received board certification in 1993. He is the Founder and President of Divine Mercy Care and the Founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the author of the book, "Two Patients: My Conversion from Abortion to Life-Affirming Medicine" (Ignatius Press). Links: • Two Patients: My Conversion from Abortion to Life-Affirming Medicine (book): https://ignatius.com/two-patients-tpp/ • Divine Mercy Care: https://divinemercycare.org • Catholic Medical Association: https://www.cathmed.org • The National Catholic Bioethics Center: https://www.ncbcenter.org40 views -
Ep 111 Part 3 - "Nutrition & Aging" Derrick M. DeSilva M.D.
OOpen Your Eyes PodcastDr. Derrick DeSilva has been seeing patients for the past 31 years as a Dr. of Internal Medicine. His focus has always been in bring together Eastern and Western medicine and giving his patients “The Best of Both Worlds”. For the past 15+ years his passion has been in the field of Anti-Aging or Optimal Aging medicine as he like to call it. His five points of wellness includes, the food we eat, bio-identical hormones, our activity level, what nutrients we take and of course our spirituality. He is on the Associate Staff in the Dept. of Medicine at Raritan Bay Medical Center in Perth Amboy, NJ and on the Teaching Faculty at JFK Medical Center in Edison, NJ. He is the Past-Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) and the Past President of American Nutraceutical Association. He is also currently serving on many medical advisory boards. His accolades include, recipient of the Alan Mintz Award for Excellence in Clinical Age Management Medicine, the Best Doctor Award in New Jersey and New York by Castle Connolly for the past 19 consecutive years and many more. His media exposure has included numerous TV appearances on CNN, EXTRA, Larry King etc. He is currently the medical correspondent for Cablevision (News 12 NJ) and Host of “Health Matters.” He has lectured at numerous national and international medical conferences and is currently working as guest lecturer at AMG Driving Academy (Mercedes-Benz) and for Aveda Cosmetics. He has also Formulated over 350 dietary supplements and is a Published Author.34 views -
Heide Leelavathi Aures - PT, Eastern & Quantum Healing, Meditation Teacher in #Vilcabamba #Ecuador
abundantlivingecuadorToday Chiyoko sits down with local Vilcabamba health practitioner Heide Leelavathi Aures, who has been said by many to have “magic hands” since the time she was a child. She is a gifted healer, licensed physical therapist, practitioner of Eastern and quantum healing, and meditation teacher. Heide is one of the many talented practitioners partnering with Abundant Living Ecuador for our 14-Day Health Retreat: February 26 - March 8, 2024. Stay tuned for more retreat info coming soon! (contact: retreat@abecuador.com). Heide Leelavathi Auers was born in southern Germany, but spent her childhood in Athens, Greece. From the very early age of 7 years old, she discovered a deep connection and fascination with using her hands for healing practices, and was naturally drawn to massaging and using healing touch for the family and friends around her - it was said by all that her hands were a “gift”. Following high school, Heide immersed in the Western, more traditional academic healing systems first and trained as a Registered Nurse and Physical Therapist in Munich, Germany in the mid 1990s. As the years went on, and being a passionate lifelong learner, Heide felt drawn to study modalities that were more quantum, spiritual and Eastern in nature. She pursued numerous additional courses in various therapeutic approaches, including: Manual Therapy, Kinesiology, Functional Movement Theory, Visceral Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release Technique, and Tuina. She also developed a significant interest in alternative medicine such as Tibetan Medicine and Ayurveda. Heide completed two six-month residencies in southern India, 1999-2001, where she studied Ayurvedic medicine and other healing methods at Amala Ayurveda Hospital and Sanjivani Holistic Health Farm. Witnessing remarkable healing transformations broadened her understanding of the potentialities of health and wellbeing. Heide’s career has spanned nearly three decades, working in various physiotherapy clinics from 1995 to 2008. In parallel, she established her own, private health practitioner clinic in Germany. However, recent changes in the German healthcare system prompted her to focus exclusively on her private practice, ensuring ample time for personalized care. Since 2005, Heide has trained with Aaravindha Himadra to become a meditation teacher and spiritual healer in the Solar Tradition. She learned unique healing techniques involving mantras and a needle-free acupuncture system, using touch, tone, and thought impulses. In 2022, she relocated to Ecuador, escaping the effects of 5G frequency pollution in Germany. Today, she continues her mission of supporting individuals on their healing journey, enthusiastically offering her deep reservoir of knowledge and skills. To know more about our upcoming retreat visit this link: https://www.wetravel.com/trips/october-2023-vilcabamba-lifestyle-retreat-abundant-living-retreats-vilcabamba-ecuador-67888745 We are real estate professionals in Southern Ecuador that help you reach your dreams of living abroad! Download our FREE guide "Relocating to Ecuador" to answer your questions to ALL THINGS Ecuador: www.abecuador.com/relocating-to-ecuador Interested in seeing the properties we have for sale? Check out our listings page: https://www.abecuador.com/properties-for-sale Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abundantlivingec And Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abundantlivingecuador/ If you have any questions: Email us at info@abecuador.com Call or text us: +593 98 074 8925 (WhatsApp, Telegram, & Signal). #abundantliving #ecuador #realestate #vilcabamba #healthylife #healthylifestyle #freedom #health #wealth #paradise #tropicalvibes #community #EcuadorianRealEstate #EcuadorRealestate #RealestateinEcuador #Landinecuador #Buylandinecuador #southernEcuadorrealestate #landinsouthamerica #cheaplandsouthamerica #bestplacetogrowfood #bestwaterinworld #bestairinworld #propertyEcuador #bestprepperlocation #cheapfarmland #bestfarmland #southamericaninvestments #southamericanfarmland #realestatebargains #cheapinvestments #fertileland #abundantwater #arableland #investinwater #investinfarmland #cheaparableland #Southamericanrealestate #cuenca #vilcabamba #loja #zamora #zaruma #machala #macas #azogues #gonzonoma #Puyo #Banos #salinas #gualaceo #Ecuador #RealestateinEcuador #TourEcuador #BestwaytoseeEcuador #BestpartsofEcuador #SouthernEcuador #BestclimateinEcuador #ClimateinEcuador #BestplacetoliveinEcuador #IsEcuadorsafe #FoodinEcuador #BesttourinEcuador #RealestatetourEcuador #HowcanIgettoknowEcuador #WhatisEcuadorlike #LifeinEcuador #LivinginEcuador #SouthAmerica #TourSouthAmerica #BestplacetoliveinSouthAmerica #Ecuadorvisaoptions #BankinginEcuador #InvestinginEcuador #ECUADOR #ALLYOUNEEDISECUADOR #BESTPLACETOLIVE #FORSALE #SOUTHAMERICA #PARADISE #WHATTODOINECUADOR #ECUADORLOVETHELIFE #ECUADORTRAVEL #TOURISM #TOURIST68 views -
Ep. 694 - The Physics and Poetry of Eastern Medicine | Judyth Shamosh
answersnetwork11-7-22 Allen Cardoza Interviews Judyth Shamosh https://www.judythshamosh.com http://answers.network Most of us are familiar with conventional medicine, which uses scientific research and data, and linear thinking to treat disorders and diseases. But this is not the only approach to medicine, health, and wellness, as Dr. Judyth Shamosh well knows. Science is more than hard facts. Take modern physics, for example. It is creative and reflective of everyday experiences, in the same vein as poetry. In fact, in Dr. Judyth Shamosh’s new book, The Physics, and Poetry of Eastern Medicine, there are many parallels between physics and poetry. But, it takes a different thought process to see them. Dr. Judyth joins us today to explore a systems approach to medicine. Rather than relying solely on the knowledge and data associated with linear thinking, a systems-physician problem-solves by understanding the complex interrelationships of organ systems, as well as environmental influences. In addition, the patient’s participation becomes integral to the healing process. With the prevalence of chronic illness in children and adults, a systems approach can be worth exploring.20 views -
The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 1
The Truth About CancerWelcome to Episode 1 of The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest docu-series! We welcome you to watch this episode completely free. To sign up to be notified of the next airing of this docu-series, go here: https://bit.ly/AGQ-free. In this episode titled "The True History of Chemotherapy and the Pharmaceutical Monopoly", we will uncover the lies of chemotherapy and learn how Big Pharma falsifies "research"-based medicine. We'll hear about the families that donated to our medical education system... and how they created a medical monopoly. Next, we visit the Hoxsey Clinic (Biomedical Center) in Tijuana, Mexico to interview doctors and patients. And we'll hear stories of children taken away from their parents and forced to undergo radiation and chemotherapy. Tune in for much more! If you would like to support our mission and own all episodes of this eye-opening docu-series, please follow this link: http://bit.ly/AGQ-Brighteon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside The Truth About Cancer Docu-Series --------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctors, researchers, experts, and survivors show you exactly how to prevent and treat cancer in our 3 original docu-series: "The Quest for the Cures", "The Quest for the Cures Continues", "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest", "Eastern Medicine: Journey through ASIA", and on our website: http://bit.ly/ttac-shop. In our docu-series, you'll travel with Ty Bollinger who lost both his mother and father to cancer (as well as 5 other family members). Ty travels the country and the globe and sits down with leading experts, doctors, researchers, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer. Please join our email list to be notified of all upcoming events (including free airings of our docu-series): http://bit.ly/ttac-join. Learn more about our latest docu-series "Eastern Medicine: Journey through ASIA" here: http://bit.ly/eastern-medicine-dvd. --------------------------------------- About Ty & Charlene Bollinger --------------------------------------- Ty & Charlene Bollinger are devoted Christians, health freedom advocates, health researchers, documentary film producers, and best-selling authors. After losing several family members to conventional cancer treatments, they set out to learn the truth about cancer and the cancer industry, working together tirelessly to help others to learn the truth that sets them free to live healthy, happy lives. Ty & Charlene's heartbreak and grief coupled with their firm belief that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were NOT the most effective treatments available for cancer patients, led them on a path of discovery. On their journey, they interviewed cutting-edge scientists, leading alternative doctors, and groundbreaking researchers to learn about hidden alternative cancer treatments. What they uncovered helped to create The Truth About Cancer and its three awe-inspiring docu-series: "The Quest for The Cures", "The Quest for the Cures Continues", "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest", and "Eastern Medicine: Journey Through Asia." Ty & Charlene speak frequently at seminars, expos, conferences, and churches. Together, they host a bi-weekly internet news program: TTAC Global Health News: http://bit.ly/GHN-episodes. Their message is clear: CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE.25K views 15 comments -
Combining Eastern and Western Medicine
Dr. Tom Roselle, DCListen to Dr. Tom Roselle, DC, and Dr. Qinglong Zhang, DC, DOM, MSOM, LAc discuss how to effectively combine eastern medicine with western medicine. Combining both western and eastern medical approaches is often the optimal solution for recovering from a number of illnesses. Eastern medicine can be a useful addition for all kinds of issues including chronic pain, addiction, stress, and even some mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The information provided on AGELESS HEALTH® WITH DR. TOM ROSELLE, DC, Dr. Tom Roselle Live!, Dr. Tom Live!, the show’s host(s), interview guest(s), or substitute host(s) is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; it is for general information purposes only. Information from this broadcast should not replace the appropriate consultation and examination process by a licensed Physician. Always consult your own physician prior to changing any current medical directive or prescription. Register for a free in-house health education class on Combining Eastern & Western Medicine on Wednesday, June 29 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Roselle Center for Healing presented by Dr. Qinglong Zhang, DC, DOM, MSOM, LAc. Call 703-698-7117 to reserve your seat. Be sure to tune into AGELESS HEALTH®with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC on Sunday at 12 NOON on News Talk WMAL 105.9 FM in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia, If you missed a show, please visit Dr. Tom Roselle, DC on RUMBLE + GETTR. Dr. Tom Roselle, DC, PAK, PAc, DCCN, DCBCN is an integrative health & wellness expert, author, talk show host, practicing health care professional, facility director, philanthropist, and Chairman of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. He is well known for his mid-Atlantic health radio talk show, “Dr. Tom Roselle Live!®,” his acclaimed self-health book, “Ageless Health®: Health Is A Do-It-To-Yourself Program” and his twice Emmy® award-nominated television broadcast, “Ageless Health® – The Special.”147 views -
Eastern Wisdom + Advanced Medicine (Peptides, Stem Cells, Herbalism, Acupuncture) | @EastWestHealth
MMind Body Peak Performance PodcastIn this episode of Mind Body Peak Performance, host Nick Urban talks with Regan Archibald, founder of East West Health Clinic and a distinguished authority in the realm of peptides. You’ll learn about stem cell rejuvenation, ancient Eastern therapies, and cutting-edge treatments that optimize health across different life stages. Explore diagnostic tools essential for precise health management. 📕Video chapters 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:52 Regan’s non-negotiables for health and bioharmony. 00:05:59 Regan Archibald’s success in integrated medicine can be traced back to his upbringing on a ranch 00:10:06 Eastern herbal medicine like cordyceps synchronize the power of peptides for longevity and blood health 00:11:00 MOTc peptide released when in a sauna and amplifies mitochondria health 00:14:37 Discover the powerful benefits of peptides like He Shou Wu and IGF-1 for enhanced cognition, athleticism, and fat burning 00:20:51 Explore the importance of comprehensive blood lab panels in optimizing overall health 00:22:45 Using intuition to integrate lab work analysis 00:27:20 Advanced tests that can detect cancer and assess vascular health for early intervention 00:31:05 Key biomarkers for assessing overall health include Homocysteine, liver enzymes, hemoglobin A1C, iron levels, testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone 00:41:00 How stem cell therapy can contribute to rejuvenation and regeneration 00:43:23 SphenoCath stem cell delivery device 00:52:28 Endurance peptide improves performance and reduces pain 00:55:00 Optimize health and longevity through peptide protocols 01:01:05 How to connect with Regan and get his brand new book 01:02:26 Regan’s favorite books. such as Lao Tzu’s “The Creative Act” and “The Rise of Superman” for insights into human evolution 01:03:45 “Rapid Fire” session with Regan on how he enters and sustains the flow state 🔔 Subscribe for more free Human Performance insights https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCYD_-2jbMxu0Lp65IlcGf5w?sub_confirmation=1 📝 About our Regan Archibald Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP, a renowned Peptide Specialist and founder of East West Health and Integrated Pain Specialists. With a trailblazing approach to health, Regan merges Acupuncture, Regenerative Medicine, and Functional Medicine through his Medically Managed Peptide Program at East West Health. As the brains behind the "Health Accelerator Course," he engages over 1000 members weekly in transformative "HACs" and hosts the insightful podcast, Never Stop Healing. Beyond his expertise, you'll find Regan conquering Wasatch mountains, indulging in ice baths, and infusing artistry into medicine, all while cherishing moments with his wife Jessica, and three kids. 🔑 Key takeaways - How peptides optimize our health through different stages of life - Health benefits of stem-cell rejuvenation - How Eastern therapies complement Western protocols - Efficacy of Eastern therapies, acupuncture & herbal medicine - Importance of using intuition as a lens to manage diagnoses and treatment options 🔗 Links - Full episode show notes: https://mindbodypeak.com/118 - Music by Luke Hall: soundcloud.com/c_luke_hall 🙏 Support the show - Subscribe: https://mindbodypeak.com/subscribe - Leave an Apple Podcast review: https://mindbodypeak.com/rate-podcast Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback? Let me know in the comments below and one of us will get back to you! Disclaimers: Nothing posted on this channel is medical advice or a substitute for advice from your physician or healthcare provider. Always contact your healthcare professional with any questions about a medical condition or your personal health. Additionally, some of the links provided above are affiliate links. They don't cost you anything, but I make a tiny commission from the sale. Honesty is key on my channel, and thank you for your support! You may read the full disclaimer here: https://outliyr.com/disclaimers216 views