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Updated 7 months ago
Ep. 3220b - [DS] Failed, Now They Are Pushing Assassination, 18 US Code Chapter 115, Game Over
GitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICEAugust is usually A HOTT MONTH [C] be4 (D) FOX NEWS ISNT THE OPPOSITION #HOPEONAROPE #ANON #WWG1WGA #KEKAID #theyfqqked #jr #anon #Q #WWG1WGA #hopeonarope #DDK DontDrinktheKoolAid >>> http://tiny.cc/DDKonYouTube http://tiny.cc/DDKonRumble http://tiny.cc/DDKonTwitter http://tiny.cc/DDKonTruthSocial - FUTURE PROVES THAT PAST 8/2/24 🐸 #DDK Whirlpools, Conspiracy, time travel and PATRIOTS --->>> https://rumble.com/v59ir1p-future-proves-that-past-8224-ddk-whirlpools-conspiracy-time-travel-and-patr.html - Disney Insider Secrets Underground Human Sacrifices --->>> https://rumble.com/v4i5ezc-disney-insider-secrets-underground-human-sacrifices.html - 20 MILLION KIDS RESCUED FROM THE UNDERGROUND DUMBS --->>> https://rumble.com/v1wz3uy--20-million-kids-rescued-from-the-underground-dumbs.html - SAME AS DISNEY LAND - THERE MIGHT BE DUMBS AND TUNNELS UNDER THE THEME PARK... - 🔥 BLACK FOREST 🔥 YOU WILL NEVER LOOK AT BLACK FOREST HAM THE SAME AGAIN 🐸 #DDK #FaryTales are real -->>> https://rumble.com/v28gw0q-you-will-never-look-at-black-forest-ham-the-same-again-ddk-farytales-are-re.html6.93K views 12 comments -
Why Are Elites FREAKING OUT to Build Bunkers by November? w/ Jonathan Hollerman
Man in AmericaSTARTS AT 10PM ET: Join me for an important discussion with Jonathan Hollerman, author and founder of Grid Down Consulting. Learn more at: https://www.griddownconsulting.com/ Download the Grid Down Report for free: https://www.griddownconsulting.com/grid-down-report Enter to win 5oz. of free silver: https://maninamerica.com/win/ To learn more about investing in gold visit - http://goldwithseth.com, or call 720-605-3900 For high quality storable foods and seeds, visit http://heavensharvest.com and use promo code SETH to save 15% on your order. Save up to 66% at https://MyPillow.com using Promo Code - MAN LISTEN VIA PODCAST: Apple: https://apple.co/3bEdO1S Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3u9k8Vd Podbean: https://bit.ly/3A4Jasy iHeart: https://bit.ly/3npOBea FOLLOW AND WATCH: Website: https://maninamerica.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/maninamerica Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@maninamerica Banned.Video: https://banned.video/channel/man-in-america Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/ManInAmerica YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/maninamerica Gab: https://gab.com/ManInAmerica Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManInAmerica Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/maninamerica Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManInAmericaUS Parler: https://parler.com/user/ManInAmerica SafeChat: https://safechat.com/channel/2776713240786468864 Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maninamerica2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maninamericaus208K views 253 comments -
GitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICEVideo credit #EyeDropMedia - TAKING DOWN THE PUR EVIL CABAL > DeepState from A to Z - And from Z TO A >> DRAINING THE SWAMP - 26.000 YEARS OF PUR EVIL... - TO CONNECT THE DOTS - BACKGROUNDS TO THE MILITARY OPERATION Americans have been watching a massive, controlled Military Operation who strategically and critically planned and successfully trapped the Washington Establishment… Made them all confess their crimes and play a role in this operation piece by piece… as Americans have had to visually see and witness a ‘Continuation of Government’ in the form of a “Presidential Administration” where these corrupt and evil people will, have, and will continue to destroy their system from within, spend all of their dirty money doing so, until it’s time for the Military to visually step in. The timelines all add up and prove the Military Operation and Occupancy: 1. Snake Poem read by candidate Donald Trump – January 2016 2. 2016 Presidential Election – November 2016 3. President Elect Trump and Putin on Fox News = “ready for ‘reset’… I will work with Trump” – November 9, 2016 4. Law of War Manual (Military Occupancy and Negotiations etc.) – December 2016 5. Military Justice Act (Supreme Court clarifying Military Law is separate than Civil Law; heavy emphasis on Military Tribunal terms) – 2016 6. Military stands behind CIC Trump (Military Intelligence and JAG head bands; Optics) at Inauguration – January 2017 7. Saudi Arabia crowns Trump King – May 2017 8. Declares Jerusalem Capitol of Israel – December 2017 9. Executive Order 13818 – Declares National Emergency to deal with Human Rights Abuse – December 2017 10. CIC Trump walks in front of Queen – July 14, 2018 11. Putin hands CIC Trump soccer ball (“the ball is in your court”; did not participate in 2022 World Cup) – July 16, 2018 12. Executive Order 13848 – September 2018 13. CIC Trump makes history; walks into North Korea – June 2019 14. National Quantum Initiative – Executive Order 13885 – August 2019 15. Space Force established as Military Branch – December 2019 16. Corona Sars Virus first mentioned to American Public as a Threat from China – February 2020 17. Two more National Emergencies Declared – March 13 and 27, 2020 18. Executive Order 13912 Federalizing 1,000,000 National Guard to Active-Duty Status – March 27, 2020 19. CIC Trump quote on attack worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined – May 2020 20. National Guard Troops place fence around Capitol Building (47 US Code 606) – January 2021 21. CIC Trump receives full grade Constitutional by Law and Military Grade Inauguration ceremony – January 20, 2021 22. “Joe Biden” breaks 20th Amendment amongst many other violations – January 20, 2021 23. Aircrafts constantly over and through 33 mile no fly zone radius D.C. – January 2021 to present day 24. “Biden” extends Executive Order 13848 (first time) – September 2021 25. Quantum.gov launched – September 2021 26. New York Times reports Military Tribunals coming mid-2023 – December 2021 27. Army and branches transfer all communications to Space Force under ONE command (Biden’s never mentioned the Space Force not once; zero News Articles with his name tied to Space Force) – August 2022 28. Major Optics and Comms in CIC Trump speech – November 15. 29. More News Articles establishing Space Force Command Centers with zero mention of Biden – December 2022 Those few timelines and timestamps do nothing but prove a Military Operation and Occupancy along with many more Laws, Codes, Orders, Statutes The National Guard has been out of their state militia status and operating as Active-Duty Status every day since they were Federalized in March 2020. There’s MORE than enough documentation and ‘proof’ to show not only the National Guard, but also thousands of World Alliance Aircrafts in and out of the United States and National Guard bases. There’s United States Coast Guards with United States Navy at their stations. USCG is Department of Homeland Security during Peacetime and transferred to the Department of the Navy during Wartime. The Brunson vs. Adams case simply states the obvious… Congress violated the Constitution. -JBIA SB e. other. - Source https://t.me/SpecialQForces/69529 - THE PLAN TO SAVE HUMANITY - WORLD COUNTRIES SURRENDER TO PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP & THE WHITE HAT ALLIANCE --->>> https://rumble.com/v1liofh-world-countries-surrender-to-president-donald-trump-and-the-white-hat-allia.html - Inauguration of the 45th president of the United States Donald J. Trump [FULL SPEECH] --->>> https://rumble.com/v1jp87z-inauguration-of-the-45th-president-of-the-united-states-donald-j.-trump.html - Pascal Najadi - THE TAKEDOWN of the DEEPSTATE - Law of War - CiC President Trump & EarthAlliance saving Humanity --->>> https://rumble.com/v4bclmc-pascal-najadi-the-takedown-of-the-deepstate-law-of-war-earthalliance-saving.html - MUST WATCH >>>> KNOW YOUR ENEMY ———————————————— 🔥 Khazarian Mafia: SATANISTS - CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters PART 1 of 2 --->>> https://rumble.com/v4cmd4r-khazarian-mafia-satanists-cannibals-adrenochrome-and-the-god-eaters-part-1-.html - 🔥 PART 2 - Khazarian Mafia: CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4bzuzo-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-2-of-2.html - 🔥 The Vatican 🔥 - Holy Roman Empire Association: World Terror Organisation - Empire of the Cities --->>> https://rumble.com/v21aqjm-the-vatican-holy-roman-empire-association-world-terror-organisation.html - 🔥 AGE OF DECEIT, FALLEN ANGELS & NEW WORLD ORDER --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ois0v-age-of-deceit-fallen-angels-and-new-world-order.html - UNITED NATIONS - IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER --->>> https://rumble.com/v23x3bs--united-nations-is-the-new-world-order.html - 🔥 UN LUCIS TRUST - UNITED NATION IS THE NWO --->>> https://rumble.com/v4codz6-un-lucis-trust-united-nation-is-the-nwo.html - 🔥 The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism -->> https://rumble.com/v23hic8-the-entire-history-on-the-jesuit-order-and-the-plans-of-world-domination-fu.html - 🔥 THE WAR IS ON! PART 2 🔥 FULL FEATURE --->>> https://rumble.com/v2xttg6--the-war-is-on-part-2-full-feature.html - Message From ARIEL For The Bold And Stubborn: The Strain For Freedom People listen to me. This second lockdown is not something happening haphazardly. Do you want them to call it what it really is? Because you will not like it. So please stop with the people will not take or accept it. You threw the same temper tantrums the last time and it stopped nothing. This is neccessary or you will be in the way. And you will be removed by the military in a not so nice way. We are in a war. Stop with this pretentious rebellious attitude. If you want the Deep State defeated it's going to take what requires our armed forces to do that successfully. You know this is not about a virus. You know this is not about a quarantine. You know this is not about being 6 feet apart. You know this is not about mask. We need to play our part and do not be in the way of this operation. The Military is not going to play games with you. There is a reason our Founding Fathers put our military above every branch of government. You know what this means? You will not be able to go cry to your government or local representatives about how bad you are being treated because you do not want to listen. The Military will become The Queens & Kings. We are still under a National Emergency. You will soon understand the phrase "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming". And that means everything, including you. So anybody who's looking to defy orders of and by the military and you are caught out there trying to loot goodluck with life at that point. Because you can see based on liberal policies being implemented in places like NYC where police are being steamed rolled by civilians and illegal immigrants and the government or Mayor Adams is doing nothing. Well this will not be the case once the military start doing their rounds soon. You want "The New Republic"? Well you will have to follow orders to ensure you make it successfully over to the other side. Because once we go back on the Gold Standard things will not be run by the 1871 US Corp that puts you under the jurisdiction of a defunct power that is Washington DC that is now considered foreign occupied territory. This is the main reason the the fence was put around the National Mall and the Capitol which was several miles in length. The marines did not salute Joe Biden on Inauguration day. And you know this is true because USA Today tried to do a Fact-Check and cover for him. Talking about he wasn't sworn in yet. Please. When we are under military provisions and we defy clear and concise orders there are a myriad of things that can happen. 1. Arrest and detention. 2. Imprisonment. 3. Fines or financial penalties. 4. Forced labor or community service. 5. Loss of property or assets. 6. Suspension of civil liberties and rights. 7. Physical or verbal coercion. 8. Use of non-lethal force (such as tear gas or rubber bullets). 9. Use of lethal force in extreme cases. 10. Military tribunal or court-martial. 11. Expulsion or deportation. 12. Curfews or restricted movement. 13. Monitoring or surveillance. 14. Blacklisting or loss of employment opportunities. 15. Social ostracism or stigmatization. We can avoid all the trouble that comes with challenging our armed forces by not becoming some unhinged lunatic who just needs to be that one person who decides they want special attention. Let them do their jobs without them having to worry about babysitting grown adults. The Deep State Is The Virus They are parasites. They are leeches. They are blood suckers. The world is there host. And we need to remove them before we are drained of all of our blood. By any means neccessary. When this is all said and done you will realize how entrenched in darkness we have become as society. You may have heard Charlie Freak special as to how the Cabal were all rounded up in Venice in 2020 called "The Takedown of The Cabal" from A-Z. This was a 4 part series. Which was blocked on YouTube. You can watch it on Rumble. https://rumble.com/vdfgdl-charlie-freak-and-mark-devlin-trump-and-the-q-plan-complete-from-a-to-z.html Why do I bring this up? Because as positive as this development is. This was the surface level of the operation. Which are basically The 13 Families. The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century. Guess what? All of these people were removed during the lockdowns that began in March of 2020. So if we are going into the second phase of another lockdown that can basically start again I want to ask you what do you think will be removed? Remember the post I did on the Dulce Base? You got the clue yet? --- https://x.com/Prolotario1/status/1757123154630021473?s=20 ———————————————— 🔥 5:5 HOW TRAITORS & PEDO CRIMINALS HAVE END - LAST RATS ARE NEXT ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1jspx5-55-how-traitors-and-pedo-criminals-end.html ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER Death PENALTY for >> HIGH CRIMES >> TREASON >> CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY NO MERCY NO DEALS ———————————————— ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (GitmoTV@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA ———————————————— JOIN US ON TELEGRAM https://t.me/GitmoTV https://t.me/TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE RUMBLE >>> https://rumble.com/c/TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE ———————————————— ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee - Your support helps us to keep the pace to bring the TRIBUNALS for JUSTICE and GITMO info into the LIGHT - Big Thank you for your support - WWG1WGA --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GitmoTV ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR 🔥 VPN PARTNER >>> http://tiny.cc/VPN 🔥 PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS http://tiny.cc/privateinternetaccess69.8K views 27 comments -
🔥 Cages🔥 Epic Human Trafficking Truth - SaveOurChildren
EXPOSE the PEDOS end of the CABALBrought to you by https://screwbiggov.com This ground breaking DocuDrama is a game changer.🔥 Share everywhere! 🔥 YOU CAN USE THIS LINK and SHARE on your SOCIAL MEDIA, TO FAMILY and FRIENDS to INCREASE AWARENESS! ———————————————— SHARE🔥SHARE🔥SHARE >>>> Cages - Epic Human Trafficking Truth >>> http://tiny.cc/CAGES or share it with the DIRECT LINK >>> https://rumble.com/v2ymhj0-cages-epic-human-trafficking-truth-saveourchildren.html <<< SHARE🔥SHARE🔥SHARE ———————————————— PRAY for ALL VICTIMS - God Bless them all have mercy with us! ———————————————— 🔥 Arizona, USA - CHILD RAPE & TRADE SEX BUNKERS found at CEMEX LOCATION, a DONOR of the CLINTON FOUNDATION --->>> https://rumble.com/v1ty87g-arizona-usa-child-rape-and-trade-sex-bunkers-found.html - 🔥 Steven D. Kelley - Underground City at the Getty Museum (2012) --->>> https://rumble.com/v2ymdj4-steven-d.-kelley-underground-city-at-the-getty-museum-2012.html ———————————————— 🔥 MISSION STATEMENT: To SaveOurChildren is OUR MAIN MISSION - Every exposed PEDO is one less ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA - Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. - WE ARE NOT COMMERCIAL - The videos published by us serve exclusively for the dissemination of truth and education and does not contain any advertising from our side. ———————————————— JOIN US ON TELEGRAM --->>>> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL our Partner Channels https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://rumble.com/c/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR 🔥 VPN PARTNER >>> http://tiny.cc/VPN 🔥 PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS >>> http://tiny.cc/privateinternetaccess ———————————————— 🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support in from of a donation - this helps us as a NON-PROFIT to CONTINUING OUR WORK to bring LIGHT INTO THE DARK 🔥 >>> http://tiny.cc/DonateToExposeThePEDOS70.6K views 43 comments -
QspecialForcesWWG1WGA, NCSWIC - PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEECH WITHIN HIS FIRST VISIT IN SAUDI ARABIA 2017 -->> https://rumble.com/v22hut4-president-trump-speech-within-his-first-visit-in-saudi-arabia-2017.html - B💥Q💥Q💥M - Putin: Unipolar World Coming to an End -->> https://rumble.com/v1q6qbp-bqqm-putin-unipolar-world-coming-to-an-end.html - THE OCCULT WORLD OF COMMERCE ----->>>> https://rumble.com/v1n48ry-the-occult-world-of-commerce.html - Q - THE GREATEST MILITARY INTEL QP TO SAVE HUMMANITY - THE START —>> https://rumble.com/v1iouf7-the-start-the-best-is-yet-to-come.html - HERQS NEVER DIE LEGENDS LIVE FOREVER WHICH STORM MR. President? - > YOU WILL FIND OUT 😎 -->> https://rumble.com/v1jp57n-which-storm-mr.-president-you-will-find-out-.html I AM THE STORM Q+ -->> https://rumble.com/v1ipdcl-i-am-the-storm-q.html THE STORM HAS ARRIVED - Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1kvj6x-the-storm-has-arrived-q.html — THE STORM IS HERE — Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1klwjh--the-storm-is-here-q.html THE STORM IS UPON US - Q -->> https://rumble.com/v1jwsxt-the-storm-is-upon-us-q.html JUSTICE IS COMING - TIMING IS EVERYTHING Q+ -->> https://rumble.com/v1l1mjl-j6stice-is-coming-timing-is-everything-q.html — WE ARE THE STORM — #QWARRIORSWORLDWIDE -->> https://rumble.com/v1l1q1p--we-are-the-storm-qwarriorsworldwide.html NEVER FORGET : IT'S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN ❤️ IN THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1kv8yl-never-forget-its-all-about-the-children-in-the-world.html ITS TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH - NO MERCY FOR CHILD PREDATORS -->> https://rumble.com/v1j1cbd-its-time-to-face-the-truth-no-mercy-for-child-predators.html Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijlcj-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world.html SILENT RUNNING - „ Remember: nothing we are doing came easy“ -->> https://rumble.com/v1j381g-silent-running-remember-nothing-we-are-doing-came-easy.html38.8K views 57 comments -
QspecialForcesPRESIDENT TRUMP SPEECH WITHIN HIS FIRST VISIT IN SAUDI ARABIA 2017 -->> https://rumble.com/v22hut4-president-trump-speech-within-his-first-visit-in-saudi-arabia-2017.html - THE DESTRUCTION OF THE OLD GUARD - WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL -->> https://rumble.com/v1tyr4k-the-destruction-of-the-old-world-where-we-go-one-we-go-all.html - Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD -->> https://rumble.com/v1mpxqk-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world.html -->> https://rumble.com/v1lv506-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world.html - Kennedy Vision 🐸 #DDK -->> https://rumble.com/v1mebsg-kennedy-vision-ddk.html - Q - THE GREATED MILITARY INTEL STING QPERATION OF MANKIND -->> https://rumble.com/v1makyw-q-the-greated-military-intel-sting-qperation-of-mankind.html - "The greatest fear in the world of sheeps" -->> https://rumble.com/v1kmtdz-the-greatest-fear-in-the-world-of-sheeps.html - Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD -- https://rumble.com/v1ijlcj-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world.html - B💥Q💥Q💥M - Putin: Unipolar World Coming to an End -->> https://rumble.com/v1q6qbp-bqqm-putin-unipolar-world-coming-to-an-end.html - - ✨💫DARK TQ LIGHT✨💫 - A JOURNEY THROUGH HISTORY ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1lf6jx--dark-tq-light-a-journey-through-history.html - WHERE DO TRAITORS AND OR PEDOS GO? TO GITMO - CU https://t.me/GitmoTV - ARMY OF FROG NEWS -->>> https://rumble.com/v2jm7oq-army-of-frog-news.html - WE HAVE IT / THEM ALL / ANTIFA and DS BUSTED —>> https://rumble.com/v1iiqg7-we-have-it-all.html - BQQQM - WE HAVE THE SERVERS -->> https://rumble.com/v1jjgi3-bqqqm-we-have-the-servers.html - OBAMA WAS HITLERS GRANDSON, MERKEL HIS ONCLE... --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1lifkv-obamawas-hitlers-grandson-merkel-his-oncle....html - CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING - ALL PEDOCRIMINALS ARE TRAPPED and TRACKED -->> https://rumble.com/v1jkh1r-childsex-trafficking-all-pedocriminals-are-tracked.html - WE HAVE IT / THEM ALL / ANTIFA and DS BUSTED —>> https://rumble.com/v1iiqg7-we-have-it-all.html - TRACKED & CAUGHT IN THE ACT -> TREASON -> DeathPenalty ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1j96te-we-have-it-them-you-2-all-tracked-and-caught-in-the-act-treason.html - TRACED & TRACKED - WATCH THE TRAITORS COMMITING A TREASON -->> https://rumble.com/v1keohz-traced-and-tracked-watch-the-traitors-comiting-a-high-crime.html - OUR HANDS WILL CHANGE THE WORLD 🐸 #DDK -->>> https://rumble.com/v1zai8c-our-hands-will-change-the-world-ddk.html - 🐸 MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY -->> https://rumble.com/v1mj1yx-military-is-the-only-way-ddk.html - "THIS IS MY WORLD NOW" - CLEANOUT HEROS -->> https://rumble.com/v2bkpso-this-is-my-world-now-cleanout-heros.html -167K views 309 comments -
36,000 children found in cages in lush underground cities (2018-19) See description box
VVickie535636,000 children found in cages in lush underground cities built for the non-humans! Gene Decode has been reporting on the tunnel war for the last 5 years. This video is a few years old. White hats have been fighting these tunnels globally with military from 7 other countries. Many of past videos the last 5 years on this is at the website Blessed to Teach.5.03K views 6 comments -
Gene Decode Bombshell 11/29/23: "Gene Decode Discusses Israel Massive Underground Tunnel Network"
Restored Republic US📢📢: Join us in Telegram: https://t.me/breakingnewsU Gene Decode Bombshell 11/29/23: "Gene Decode Discusses Israel Massive Underground Tunnel Network"2.04K views 1 comment -
General Tom G. McInerney blames Joe Biden for death of SEAL Team Six
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col MikeSubscribe to Two Mikes on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/two-mikes-with-michael-scheuer-and-col-mike/id1517244171 For the past few years, Joe Biden has been able to keep his name away from the SEAL Team Six tragedy. But were his actions the catalyst for their demise? There has been much speculation and many conspiracy theories voiced about the operation that led to the deaths of SEAL Team Six shortly after they killed Osama bin Laden. But not much attention has been paid to then-Vice President Joe Biden's role in the deaths. Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney spoke to Dr. Michael Scheuer and Colonel Mike on the latest episode of Two Mikes to highlight why he believes Joe Biden was in part to blame for the death of the special operations unit. McInerney served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President of the United States. His insights into the matter are coming at just the right time with Biden nominated as the Democratic candidate for president. "The reason they were in such a precarious position, I believe, is because the Vice President, Biden, leaked their name as the ones that took down Osama bin Laden," McInerney said. "That has never happened before on any of the stealthy operations." Biden leaked the names of those who were there on that fateful night when the top terrorist in the world was killed. As McInerney pointed out, this was highly unusual at the time and proved to be deadly for the heroes who were there. "You never leak the name for the unit designation for the very reason we're discussing about this," McInerney said. "And that's what Vice President Biden did. So that's what brings and raises the concern to me that somewhere along the line, this was very poor military leadership, and there are those that think that maybe there was some payback operations going on between Obama and what he was trying to do in Iran." The events surrounding their deaths has been questioned from the start, particularly why they were sent in the first place. It wasn't the type of mission normally associated with SEAL Team Six, the elite covert operations unit in the United States military. They were being used as reinforcements in a non-critical situation. There are units designed for such operations, and SEAL Team Six isn't one of them. "Vice President Biden's capability and leadership ability to be the Commander-in-Chief, we are questioning," McInerney concluded. "Not that he directed this, but because he put the target on SEAL Team Six on that dreadful operation that was very poorly executed by the forces in theater at that time. You sent the wrong team. You sent the wrong reinforcements." America may be on the verge of electing a man that many in the military do not respect. But perhaps more importantly, they do not trust him. General McInerney is one of them based on Biden's actions regarding SEAL Team Six.3.78K views 10 comments