Topic - Prayer & Fasting
5 videos
Updated 2 months ago
January 7, 2024 - CCOC Prayer and Fasting Week: "The PROMISE of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThis week at Calvary Chapel of the Canyons, we are doing a church-wide fast, as we do at the beginning of each year, dedicating each year and each of our lives to the Lord. We never know what's around the corner, and fasting grounds us in our mature faith in our Savior! -
January 3, 2024 - "The 7S Health Plan"
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsAmerican Christianity has, for some reason, neglected the instructions on God’s plan for a healthy life. God created us in mind, spirit, and body, so he cares about out physical well-being. We are stewards over our bodies. It takes some education and learning to know how to care for our bodies well. It doesn’t always have to be cumbersome. If we develop some good daily habits, then we can enjoy a healthier life. If we take care of our bodies, our bodies will take care of us. It is time we learn to take control of our own health instead of submitting to the now-discredited medical establishment.1 comment -
December 31, 2023 - "The POWER of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsPreparing for Prayer and Fasting Week at Calvary Chapel of the Canyons by reading and studying Isaiah 58.1 comment -
January 8, 2023 - "The Power of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe combination of prayer, fasting, and giving is a Spiritual Trifecta that opens the door for great victories and rewards from the Lord. Today, we will share what the Bible teaches on this vast subject! Fasting is a spiritual weapon to fight with, it is a tool to build with. It's not for fanatics, but for those who desire to humble themselves and get closer to God. Daniel fasted as he read the book of the Prophet Jeremiah and saw the prophecies coming to pass. We, too, are seeing many signs of the times coming to pass and we want to seek the Lord about being prepared. -
January 4, 2023 - The Health Benefits of Fasting
CCalvary Chapel of the CanyonsThe Bible has much to say about the Spiritual benefits of fasting. What about the health benefits? There are many health conditions in the modern world that can be reversed through the proper practice of fasting, like metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, excess weight, inflammation, cancer, skin disorders, high blood pressure, and much more. Tonight, we’ll explore some fasting tips and benefits.