#Trump 2016 Campaign video
Where it all started. This campaign video was released a week prior to President #Trumps final speech in Grand Rapids 2016 where his closing statement of my video was used to close his rally. Which was a statement that was never made in any other previous rally, or any after. Does that make you question a few things?
Trump Rushmore
This should sting a bit
#Trump #Electionfraud #Futureprovespast #Rushmore #therealscarboro
THE CALL | TRUMP2021 | 5.1 DOLBY | @therealSCARBORO
The man himself has heard your cries, he has felt your pain, anger, frustration, suffering and struggles. & I’m not talking about 45. But he too has heard your calls patriots, rest assured… He’s heard and seen them. So, stay engaged, stay in the game and remember, we the people have the protections and the rights, not the other way around. You have to remember that, and don’t ever surrender them because you’re tired. If you need help, reach out to a fellow patriot, we will carry you when you’re too weak to carry onward. The green light was finally given on this video to be released on 7-17-21 as I have many others in the can waiting to be released, so I give it to you all patriots. It's likely they will nuke my accounts entirely after this upload because its going to put the fear of God almighty himself in them, but that's fine with me because I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to stop. Nor should you.
So go to therealscarboro.com and download this videos directly and any other video I have uploaded, and keep uploading/posting them EVERYWHERE! All that I ask is that no video is altered or misrepresented. Social media platforms, including rumble, removed all of the videos that received millions of views earlier this year. Get inspired, get encouraged, and most importantly, get motivated! A lot is about to transpire. Share, tweet, post, whatever, where ever, however, just get these videos out there to other patriots that may need help getting back onto the political battlefield! #STANDFAST & #HOLDTHELINE #PATRIOTS! God bless you; God bless your families, God bless President Trump/his family/his legal team, God bless patriots that are rising up around the world right now & may God bless the United States of America!
America Reborn - Patriots Unite
America Reborn
Original upload date January 1st, 2021.
Since Rumble joined the cancel culture, anti-first amendment, communist mob of America and removed almost all of my videos without rhyme, reason, excuse or even a notification months ago... to hell with them, im uploading them again. If you want this video or any of my other video to continue pissing big tech and the social communists off, therealscarboro.com . and dont worry, Im waiting to get the go signal to unleash the other videos that I have had waiting in the shadows.
"Happy New Year #Patriots ! My gift to you all as we start this year off right! If you haven’t already, check out my other #trump2020 videos to get pumped up, inspired, & encouraged! Share, tweet, post, whatever, where ever, however, just get them out there to other patriots that may need help getting back onto the battlefield! President #TRUMP needs us now more than ever, #STANDFAST & #HOLDTHELINE ! As I’ve said many times, there’s about to be more dis/misinformation & flat out lies flying left & right January 6th, the prophets of Baal are scared to death right now because they know that its over. Don’t fall for it, they’re going to continue to try & force you to concede. Even though we’ve already won do we quit? HELL NO! WE MARCH ONWARD! President Donald John Trump will swear back in on the bible on January 20th, 2021. God bless you, God bless your families, God bless President Trump/his family/his legal team, & may God bless the United States of America! Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the video!"
Footage ownership rights:
The White house
MediaForce Creative Group
#trump2020 #stopthesteal #maga2020 #Godwins #wwg1wga #Election2020 #electionfraud #besttrumpcampaignvid #joebidenisnotourpresident #wewon
Original upload date December 19th, 2020.
Since Rumble joined the cancel culture, anti-first amendment, communist mob of America and removed almost all of my videos without rhyme, reason, excuse or even a notification months ago... to hell with them, im uploading them again. If you want this video or any of my other video to continue pissing big tech and the social communists off, therealscarboro.com . and dont worry, Im waiting to get the go signal to unleash the other videos that I have had waiting in the shadows.
You wanted it Patriots, you got it! My latest Trump2020 campaign ad "HOLD THE LINE - BATTLE FORMATIONS". We need everyone on deck. If you're too weak, you can lean on me. If you're not capable at all, I've got your six. Hold the line patriots, don't give up now. Theres going to be a lot of misinformation flying at us 1000 times worse than before, don't take the bait. Baals prophets are working overtime to get you discouraged so that you lay down your weapons of war, don't fall for it and don't give up. Walk by faith, not by sight. Stop worrying, stand for the flag and kneel before the cross, declare and decree to the lord in what you know will be, and be the warrior that God made you to be. We need you now more than ever, so put on the armor of God and take your rightful place in his army with us. Enjoy the video!
Been seeing some similar copy-cat versions of my work popping up, make no mistake, everything that I post is researched, cut and clipped from scratch, anything else out there unless it has my name on it coming from me, its not mine and someone claiming it as their own. Or even pieces of mine in theirs.
Footage ownership rights:
The Whitehouse
MediaForce Creative Group
#trump2020 #stopthesteal #maga2020 #Godwins #wwg1wga #Election2020 #electionfraud #besttrumpcampaignvid #joebidenisnotourpresident #wewon
Original upload date December 15th, 2020.
Since Rumble joined the cancel culture, anti-first amendment, communist mob of America and removed almost all of my videos without rhyme, reason, excuse or even a notification months ago... to hell with them, im uploading them again. If you want this video or any of my other video to continue pissing big tech and the social communists off, therealscarboro.com . and dont worry, Im waiting to get the go signal to unleash the other videos that I have had waiting in the shadows.
This videos designed to get everyone on deck, to get fired up & to put on their armor of God as we hold the line! We have this battle won patriots, stay in the fight! The enemy isn't just going to just roll over & go down, but they cant stop whats coming either. #STANDFAST & #HOLDTHELINE #PATRIOTS! This is another video for you! #POTUS has fought for us for 4 years, don't leave him now! The best is yet to come! President Trump will swear in on January 20th, 2021. Share my videos to lift patriots up around the world, not just the country! I made them for you all! Let get these in front of POTUS, the Trumps, the Flynn's, & everyone else fighting for us so that they can see that we’re with them until the end! God bless you, God bless your families, God Bless President Trump, & God bless the #USA
Footage ownership rights:
The Whitehouse
MediaForce Creative Group
#trump2020 #stopthesteal #maga2020 #Godwins #wwg1wga #Election2020 #electionfraud #besttrumpcampaignvid #joebidenisnotourpresident #wewon
Stop The Steal - Patriots
Original upload date December 15th, 2020.
Since Rumble joined the cancel culture, anti-first amendment, communist mob of America and removed almost all of my videos without rhyme, reason, excuse or even a notification months ago... to hell with them, im uploading them again. If you want this video or any of my other video to continue pissing big tech and the social communists off, therealscarboro.com . and dont worry, Im waiting to get the go signal to unleash the other videos that I have had waiting in the shadows.
Another one hot off the press for you patriots! This videos designed to get everyone on deck, to get fired up & to put on their armor of God as we hold the line! We have this battle won patriots, stay in the fight! The enemy isn't just going to just roll over & go down, but they cant stop whats coming either. #STANDFAST & #HOLDTHELINE #PATRIOTS! This is another video for you! #POTUS has fought for us for 4 years, don't leave him now! The best is yet to come! President Trump will swear in on January 20th, 2021. Share my videos to lift patriots up around the world, not just the country! I made them for you all! Let get these in front of POTUS, the Trumps, the Flynn's, & everyone else fighting for us so that they can see that we’re with them until the end! God bless you, God bless your families, God Bless President Trump, & God bless the #USA
Footage ownership rights:
The Whitehouse
MediaForce Creative Group
#trump2020 #stopthesteal #maga2020 #Godwins #wwg1wga #Election2020 #electionfraud #besttrumpcampaignvid #joebidenisnotourpresident #wewon
Pelosi Vader
An oldie, but a goodie.
Since Rumble is complying with nazi communistic orders by removing my other videos, here's another one. I made this back when the first impeachment was going on. I thought it was fitting to reshare given their current actions that are done out of a fear and desperation. They will fail, they have already failed, and they will continue to fail. In the end, #Godwins
The Hebrides & President Trump - revival
Not my work, but its beautiful. It's partially what inspired me to start making videos for patriots. It needs to be heard around the world. Rejoice, praise, strengthen your faith, DO NOT LOSE HOPE! HOLD THE LINE! Because the lord is answering our prayers even if it doesn't seem like it in real time.
May God bless you and you families, may God bless your the country that you live in, May God bless president Trump and his family/sincere allies/legal team, and may God bless America.
therealSCARBORO.com | no www
For Immediate Release:
The video being circulated under the false heading “Trump just released this” is my original work and it was created independent of any political party or person. Unfortunately, once original work enters the public domain, it is available to those who would download, alter, manipulate and disseminate for purposes other than it was originally intended.
The purpose of the videos I have made was never to incite violence. At no time during the videos do you hear “a call for arms”. It is disheartening that those who have differing political leanings and ideologies would interpret them as such. My sole purpose was to encourage those who were disheartened, to encourage their faith and to encourage them to peacefully support our President, Donald J. Trump through prayer.
I love my country. I would never create content to encourage her destruction. I encourage all Americans, regardless of political leanings or party affiliation to continue to pray for the healing of America.
- Matthew Scarboro
The Eleventh Hour | Trump 2020 | @therealSCARBORO
The time has come patriots, we’re in the eleventh hour, the clocks ticking down. Continue declaring and decreeing that this battle is over, we’ve won, but we will NOT stop marching forward! Now isn’t the time to drop your weapons of war and to go back to business as usual, stand fast, hold the line, PRAY, and give thanks to God that we will continue winning with President Donald John Trump as the leader of the FREE nation! He will swear in for a second term on January 20th, 2021. Walk by faith, not by sight. Stop worrying, stand for the flag and kneel before the cross, declare and decree to the lord in what you know will be, and be the warrior that God made you to be. We need you now more than ever, so put on the armor of God and take your rightful place in his army with us. Enjoy the video!
P.S. Been seeing some similar copy-cat versions of my work popping up, make no mistake, everything that I post is researched, cut and clipped from scratch, anything else out there unless it has my name on it coming from me, its not mine and someone claiming it as their own. Or even pieces of mine in theirs.
Footage ownership rights:
The Whitehouse
MediaForce Creative Group: https://rumble.com/user/Onemanmedia
#trump2020 #stopthesteal #maga2020 #Godwins #wwg1wga #Election2020 #electionfraud #besttrumpcampaignvid #joebidenisnotourpresident #wewon
1776 - Revival | TRUMP2020 | @therealSCARBORO
This one's for you patriots. During these times I understand that it's easy to feel discouraged, I know that It gets harder and harder to pick yourselves back up and keep charging forward, but its ingrained in your DNA. The very fabric of our being cannot and will not be torn, tarnished or destroyed. We will not be bowed, we will not give up... for those that may feel lost, understand that you're so close to being found. The media and evil powers at will want you to feel isolated and defeated, but you're neither. They want you to accept their fraudulent outcome and concede, you will not! The day was/is ours; the facts, the evidence and the truth are being exposed every minute of every hour every day now. The enemies time is coming to a close, so don't give up now, don't surrender, because the best is yet to come! President Donald John Trump will swear in on January 20th, 2021. May God bless you, may God bless your families, and may God Bless the United States of America.
What Democrats say VS What Democrats Do | @therealSCARBORO
I use to have thousands of followers when I kept my mouth shut on matters that are most important to me in the name of “keeping my business safe” by separating it from my politics and personal beliefs considering I work in one of the most liberal industries in the world. Then in 2015 for speaking my truth out loud on social media platforms, I was slowly deplatformed… devastating my revenue and income given that no one would see my work/posts no matter how much money I would spend on advertising. Going from thousands of followers to a measly 207, yet over 1500 friends (4000 at the time). So I slow walked voicing my personal beliefs/views after that thinking I would be rewarded for keeping it to myself and that my business would go back to normal. Nope, it hasn’t, nothings been the same since.
The caption title saying “Democrats” is not speaking to ALL Democrat voters because I know there are a lot of genuinely good people with morals who still vote democrat, for the life of me I don’t understand why, but, that’s their choice. The title is speaking to the most radical and hypocritical leaders and followers in the game. Before I go on I will also say that there are A LOT of corrupt Republicans rhinos as well, they’re in bed together. But I can guarantee you this, Republicans may not be the solution to all of your problems, but I can guarantee you that Democrats are the cause to all of your problems. I have met a lot of great people who are genuinely good hearted that are on the left side of politics, and I’d give the shirt off my back to them even to this day, we just don’t agree on our politics. And that’s 100% fine by me, I can set aside my personal disagreements with genuinely good people and continue a relationship with them while not judging their points of view because I’m a conservative. You don’t have to believe the same things I do, I have always stood up for those who don’t voice the same opinion as me and I will always continue to do so because they have the God given right to stand for whatever they believe in. And if their rights can be taken, than so can mine and vice versa.
With that said, given that I work in the film industry I am absolutely disgusted with the amount of people in Hollywood who have raised over 25 million dollars to bail out members of antifa and rioters who have caused more destruction and devastation to families, business owners, and innocent people than that stupid virus scare ever could have. Murdering, physically attacking, looting, arson, this is unacceptable. In the United States we have a God given right to PEACEFULLY assemble and protest our government, we the right to free speech, we have the right to pursuit happiness… But we don’t have the right to riot, burn businesses/buildings/and city blocks down, steal peoples hard earned possessions and businesses that they’ve spent decades saving for and building, murdering and assaulting of innocent people just because they can in the name of something that’s happened in the country. You have no rights if you have no order, no consequences. There are consequence for actions. You have Democrat mayors and governors all across the country such as Bill Deblasio in NYC REFUSING to call in the National Guard for assistance to regain order as the city burns to the ground. Billions in property damage. Just 3 weeks ago actual peaceful protestors that were tired of the lockdown orders were being arrested for exercising their constitutional rights to go to church, the park, etc, yet now the very same Democrat leaders are urging rioters by calling them “protestors” to continue forward with protesting.
Now I recognize there are genuine peaceful protestors out there that are just as pissed off as I am because their movement is being high-jacked by a select few jackass authoritarians, but this shit has to stop. In this campaign video Bane is representing most Democrat elected officials and the mass majority of the mainstream media as most of them are so radical now that they don’t even know what America is anymore. Wording bills nicely one minute, then once they convince everyone it’s a good idea they show you their true agenda by driving over the cliff.
I know this post will probably piss a lot of people off, but I’ve gotten to the point now that I really don’t care. I have the ability to be friends with someone even if we don’t agree on everything. I have the ability to still care for people even if they have a different view than I. I have the ability to see through someone’s beliefs and still want to help them meet their goals. Working in the film industry all of these years, I have absolutely had it with these sons of bitches preaching morality to all of you and me, when people like me are the ones that make people like them look good on screen. With that said, if you’re gonna take a shit, at least stand by your shit. If you’re gonna believe in something, at least stand behind what you believe in. Don’t let fear, or be pressured, or worry that someone won’t like you anymore or that the industry that you work in won’t hire you anymore if you voice a different opinion than them. I’ve been doing this for years, and you know what it’s gotten me? ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE! I don’t care what you believe in or what you stand for, just stand for it, and I will stand beside you. This campaign video is the result of one pissed the hell off conservative that’s stayed majoritively silent and has worked on many film projects but has decided to take one of hollywoods most prized productions to display their true agenda. Watch it all the way through, you will see the message. "Do as we say, not as we do"
Signing Off – Matthew Scarboro | Visual Effects Compositor