Bob and Brad Archive Channel
Bob and Brad Archive Channel

Bob and Brad Archive Channel



Our videos offer the best "get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free" information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 60 years of combined experience in the physical therapy field. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link.

We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the "Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet" In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us and join the fun.

Sincerely Bob and Brad.

PS We can help you fix just about anything, except a broken heart.

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Our Book: Three Simple Steps to Treat Back Pain available on Kindle

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Joined Sep 14, 2022

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