When looking at the world in its current state I see that democracies of the west all have the Judeo-Christian principles as their basic building blocks, and I believe that these principles must be nurtured and cherished if we want to continue to live in free and democratic societies. We must uphold the principles of mercy, forgiveness, justice, Free will, and human rights if we want to have our democratic system of governance continued into the future. At the core of our beliefs is our universal declaration in every human being right to the expression of his or her free will. I believe that any threat to this fundamental right is dangerous to the overall wellbeing of our pluralistic and free spirited society. I also believe that Free Will is sanctified by the I Am Himself and that humanity is also sanctified by that part of the Trinity which became human in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. Failure to comprehend this profound truth could lead to the destruction of democracies on a global scale and the rise of totalitarian regimes.
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Joined Jun 22, 2021
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