
We unite as Patriot Kiwis ‘4 our Nation New Zealand Aotearoa’. We seek to reseed four values back into the seedbed of our nation to propagate positive, constructive change, to win back our country from the clutches of Globalist Neo-Marxism. The four fundamental principles of FONNZA are: • INTEGRITY • SOVEREIGNTY • LIBERTY • LIFE We stand for Truth, Respect, Justice, Self-determination, Personal Responsibility, Freedom, and the Health, Safety, & Protection of all human beings, at any stage of life within our shores. We stand for Democratic Government without corruption, & beyond coercion, from within our shores and without. We demand direct accountability from Government to the people. We demand honesty, integrity, respect, and transparency from elected representatives, and the swift punishment of behaviour to the contrary. We defend our democracy from all contrary ideologies, political or religious. We seek the constitutionalising of the freedoms within the New Zealand Bill of rights Act 1990. We seek justice for all. Punishment that impacts effectively, and the pre-eminence of the victim. We demand that Kiwis come first. We honour our Anthem and respect it without compromise. We do not bow down to tyranny, nor endure corruption. This is our mission ‘4 Our Nation New Zealand Aotearoa’.

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Joined May 7, 2021

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