The Glad Tidings According To MattithYâ´huw
Chapter 18
And He said: “’Âmë´n (For certain) I dictate to you (pl.), if ever ye might not be turned so ye come to exist as the ones [being] the children, in no wise might ye enter in unto the one [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]! Therefore, whosoever will humble himself as the one [being] this child, this one who exists [is] He Who [is] greater within, belonging to the one (f.) [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]; And who, if ever, within, of the Ones [~little One emanations] of the children of this kind, one child of this kind might accept, on pertaining to the One with the name of Me, Me he accepts, and who if ever Me might accept, not [just] Me he accepts, moreover the One having sent out Me [Márquwç 9: 37], because He Who [is] smallest within, belonging to all the ones of you, this One making a beginning below one who shall exist, [is] great. [~little One emanation][luwqá’ 9:48]
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