Sacred Sobriety (Uncensored)

Sacred Sobriety (Uncensored)


Where Sobriety Meets the Sacred

I'm Chris, and I'm glad you're here because I can't do this alone. After falling down endlessly, I've climbed out of the depths of alcoholism, substance abuse, and homelessness by seeking the Sacred, refusing to give up on myself, and reaching out for help. I was 25 years-old when I first committed myself to the path of recovery and I've been helping people for 12 years now.

Modern mysticism offers a powerful framework for transcending all forms of self-sabotage, especially addictions. It addresses the deeper spiritual and energetic aspects of the human condition that underlie substance abuse and other harmful habits.

We welcome all forms of abstinence and sobriety, even the sobercurious—here, you will find zero judgment.

Ultimately, this is about addressing the soul sickness of our society. It’s about remembering who and what we are and awakening to the realization that we are never truly alone.

#sacredsobriety #sobrietyjourney #sobercurious

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Joined Jan 22, 2024

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