



Welcome to the Sunah of (Muhammad PBUH) YouTube channel! This channel is dedicated to providing English translations and explanations of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The hadiths are the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and they are the second most important source of Islamic law after the Quran. The hadiths provide guidance on all aspects of life, from worship and morality to social and economic issues. They are a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge that can help us to live better lives and to become better Muslims. Whether you are a new Muslim or a lifelong student of Islam, we encourage you to subscribe to our channel and learn more about the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Benefits: Learn about the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad in English Gain a deeper understanding of Islam Improve your knowledge of Islamic law and ethics Become a better Muslim Subscribe today and start learning about the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)!

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Joined Aug 17, 2023

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