Arbaeen march

Arbaeen march

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The best place to know about the character of Prophet Zainab is his historical journey to Karbala. Studying the Ashura uprising and following the story of his captivity and how he treated the oppressors can be a guide.

You know that too much sadness can make one break; That is, he can do nothing. Like Prophet Zainab, who saw the greatest sadness of the world, but did not kill. They lost their noble parents; They even saw the testimony of their brother Hassan, but it was no day, like Ashura Day; It was a great sadness. Even told themselves:

"La Yom Kiomak or Abdullah!"; That is why Prophet Zainab is the hero of the most difficult day in the world.

Hazrat Zainab is the younger sister of Imam Hussein and from childhood love their brother Hussein (AS). The younger they were, Prophet Zahra taught the children inside the house. Imam Ali also in the mosque to the people. For a long time, when the Mosque was a mosque and the girls could not go, Imam Hassan and Hussein (AS) went there and told Imam Ali (AS) to Prophet Zaynab to teach them.

Prophet Zaynab (SA) learned so well and speaking so well that after a while, they would study the class for women and children and teach them religion.

Prophet Zainab (ُ) loved their brother so much that even when they were married, they put a condition for his wife, the condition that wherever Hussein (AS) went, they would go with them. Zainab's wife, one of the very good Shiites, accepted this request by Zeinab.

For this reason, when Imam Hussein (AS) traveled to Kufa, Prophet Zaynab (SA) went with his two sons. At that time, her husband had been sent by Imam Hussein (AS) for a mission.

On the way to Kufa, there was news that the messenger of Imam Hussein (AS), Muslim Aqil, was martyred in the city of Kufa. Imam Hussein (AS) said to his convoys there that this is the end of his martyrdom. Every day the caravan of Imam Hussein was reduced; Those who excuse work, have family, borrow, and so on. Of course, some people joined Imam Hussein; Like Zahir, Habib and Har. Prophet Zaynab (SA) had also vowed to be in the pedestal until they lived in the body, and not leave them alone.

Karbala and Ashura Day

The day of Ashura came and the war began. Imam Hussein's companions went to the battlefield and sacrificed their lives for Imam and Islam. After that, Imam Hussein's family went to the battlefield. The first person was his son Imam Hussein (AS); Ali Akbar.

When Ali Akbar was martyred, Prophet Zaynab came out of his tent and cried a lot. They shed so much tears that Imam Hussein (AS) was forced to help them to return to their tent. The Imam said to Isha: "My sister! "You see a lot of calamity today, so don't cry in front of the enemy so that they will not be happy."

One of the other members of the family was martyred and the women and children mourned them. Finally, it came to his sons, Zainab. The Prophet himself took the armor of his sons and said: Go to Imam Hussein (AS) and to obtain them to go to the battlefield. Prophet Zaynab said, if Imam Hussein did not accept, swear to his mother Zahra; then they will accept it.

The sons of Prophet Zaynab (AS) obtained permission from Imam Hussein (AS) and went to the battlefield. The two young and brave boys fought with the great enemy's army and were martyred one after the other. Hazrat Zainab (AS), who was martyred from the family of Imam Hussein (AS), would come out of the tent and mourn, but this time when their sons were martyred, Zainab went into the tent and closed in the tent.

Prophet Zainab (SA), the hero of Ashura, had vowed to themselves to never break the calamities! They showed that their brother Imam Hussein did not want to be ashamed of seeing his sister.

Finally, the whole family of Imam Hussein became martyred and the Imam was alone. The Imam decided to war, but before he went to their sister Zainab and said, "Give me an old dress to wear the armor."

Prophet Zainab was surprised and demanded for the reason.

The Prophet said, "We have to wear old clothes until I was martyred, the enemy will not get rid of my worthless outfit and do not get naked." How heavy for Prophet Zaynab these sentences were heavy! He gave Imam Hussein a dress, and the Imam also torn a few parts of the clothes to be seen older. Then one of them said goodbye to their women, children and sisters and made their way to the battlefield.

Among the children of Imam Hussein (AS), Imam Sajjad (AS) was a young man, but in those days they were extremely ill and could not get up. When they saw Imam Hussein going to the battlefield, they hardly got up from the bed of illness, picked up their sword and said, "I am here and my father, my Imam, go to war?! »

Imam Hussein quickly called their sister and said, "Zainab Jan! Take Sajjad. "If Sajjad is killed in this war, there will be no Imam after me to lead the people."

Prophet Zainab tried to persuade Imam Sajjad and bring him back to bed.

Imam Hussein (AS) walked to the battlefield. Prophet Zaynab (AS) looked at their brother from afar. It was as if their hearts were coming out of the chest. Imam Hussein had told them to stay with the tents and watch out for women and children.

Imam Hussein (AS) went to war, and when that enemy of Imam Hussein (AS) martyred, Prophet Zaynab (AS) saw all the events from the top of the small hill near the tents; At the same time they shouted, "Woe to you! Is there no Muslim among you?! They saw enemy soldiers coming to the tents of Imam Hussein's family.

It was then that they realized that they had no chance to cry for their brother, so as Imam Hussein had asked them, they returned to the tents to protect women and children, especially Imam Sajjad.

Enemy soldiers came and burned the tents with burner and fiery beams. They saw that one of the enemy's wild soldiers is heading to Imam Sajjad.

They quickly brought themselves to Imam Sajjad and threw themselves between the soldier and Imam Sajjad, saying, "If you want to approach the son of Imam Hussein (AS), you must kill me first!" The soldier raised his sword, but one of the other side shouted, "Get embarrassed! We didn't come to kill women! "Sajjad is sick and dies very soon."

Captivity of the Prophet's family

There is no sadness in the world of the sadness of Prophet Zaynab. All the men of his family testified in front of his eyes in one day. The enemy captured women and children. Ride their camels and took them to the city of Kufa; (To the palace of Ibn Ziad.) People were gathered in the streets, and when the caravan arrived, a woman came forward and said, "Who are you?! Another among the crowd said, "The Prophet's family!"

People are shocked and started crying. Imam Sajjad (AS) said: "If you cry for us, then who were those who killed our family?! »

Prophet Zaynab (AS) said: "You betrayed Hussein! Crying is your right. That world is a severe torment for you. »

In the midst of someone said, "Look! This is Zainab, the daughter of Imam Ali (AS). This woman was teaching us. "

Prophet Zaynab (SA) continued: "You did the Prophet's liver. You shed the blood of his family. You are the hypocrites! »

Ibn Zayd Palace

All the people are starting to cry. There was so crowded that the soldiers were afraid to fall and release the captives; Because of this, the caravan passed through the alleys and took it inside the Ibn Ziad palace.

Inside the palace, Zaynab put a corner, and the rest of the women and children sat next to them. Ibn Ziad said with laughter and ridicule, "How was it? What did God do with your brother?! »

He thought Prophet Zaynab (SA) began to cry and cry, but Zainab (SA) delivered a toothpaste that Ibn Ziad was knocked on. He said: "I saw nothing but beauty! My brother and his companions were martyred in the cause of God and their place is in Paradise. This is the one you should be afraid of the hereafter. How do you want to answer the Prophet of God?! ”

Ibn Ziad, who saw his reputation between the crowd, goes to Imam Sajjad (AS) and said to them, "Who are you?"

The Imam replied, "I am the son of Hussein (AS)."

The accursed with a sarcastic said, "Didn't the son of Hussein (AS) be God?! »

Imam Sajjad (AS) decisively said: "The people killed him, not God."

Ibn Ziad became angry and called the executioner to testify. Zaynab came forward again and defended the Imam and said, "If you want to testify to Imam Sajjad, first I will make my life."

He said, "Don't fear us from death! You see how much we are eager to die! It is our honor to be honored! "

Ibn Ziad, who saw the situation against him, said, "Take the captives right away."

It was very hard to the family of Imam Hussein that night; They kept them in a ruin; Now and did not have a good day; All their relatives had been martyred; They themselves were also captured by the bad and cruel people. Prophet Zaynab, the Mountain of Endurance, tried to be patient and comfort others and to deal with the patients and children.

Yazid Palace

The caravan was taken to another city the next day; Where the great palace was Yazid. Yazid was sitting in his golden and green palace and invited all the elders to witness his victory. The prisoners entered the palace with closed hands and placed in the middle of the crowd.

Imam Hussein's head was cut in front of Yazid, and the evil Yazid was insulted and insulted with the wood in his hand. The women and children of Imam Hussein (AS) caravan began to cry. Suddenly Prophet Zaynab (SA) got up and began to speak aloud and expressively:

"Bismillah al -Rahman al -Rahim

What did you imagine?

Did you think that you are taking us like a captive from this city to that city is a sign of our smallness and the greatness of the curse?! Happy to these deeds?! What did you remember in the Qur'an?! He said, "Those who are infidels do not think that the life we have given them is for them, we have given their deadlines to increase their sins, so that the world will have a painful torment."

You were someone whose father fought with my father and his father fought with the Prophet. It is clear that a person like you must be so happy, but soon you will get your father and grandfather in hell. That world the Prophet (peace be upon him) judges what you did.

It is time for me to have to talk to you, otherwise you are smaller than to be with you. From your hands, the blood of the Prophet (peace be upon him). I am captured now, but I complain to you and your deeds to God. God is our best shelter. "

Everyone was silent. There was no sound. Miserable Yazid who wanted to be happy with this so -called victory over Imam Hussein (AS), but his muzzle was rubbed; Because Prophet Zaynab had said that they were victorious and Yazid had lost.

When Yazid saw that he had a lot of reputation, he said, "Yes, well ... this is what this woman has seen a lot of disaster! »

Then he wanted to bring the parliament again to joke and laughter, with a few people protested. The women in the palace started crying and complaining. An old man said, "Yazid! I remember that the Prophet (peace be upon him) sits and kisses Hassan and Hussein (AS) on his feet and told them that you were a server of the youth of Paradise. Now you put and insult Imam Hussein (AS)?! »

Among the attendees, there was a Jewish person who wondered, "I can't believe you killed and happy your Prophet's grandson?! We respect him after all these years, whoever is a descendant of our Prophet. What kind of people are you? "

Like Ibn Ziad, Yazid, when he saw a parliament who wanted to finish everything in his favor, was drawn to this atmosphere with the crushing speech of the Prophet, quickly ordered the caravan to remove the captives from the palace.

The news of that parliament and the Kufa Majlis gradually wrapped up between the people and many people who did not inspire Yazid and who had gone to war with the Kufa army. The family of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was.

Prophet Zainab (SA) informed many of his time with his patience and of course his courageous lectures; It was true that they were not martyrs, because they were a tyrannical messenger of the Prophet.

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Joined Sep 3, 2023

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