High-end Technology Services Company - Fortunesoft Australia


Fortunesoft is a highend software product engineering and consulting company providing full cycle software development services for enterprises. https://www.fortunesoftit.com/au/services/and startups. We build, improve and scale software products across platforms leveraging disruptive technologies in mobile, web, cloud, analytics, AI and blockchain. We have 10+ years of experience in software product engineering, serviced over 150+ happy customers worldwide and successfully completed 500+ projects so far. We have operations and physical presence in Nashville US, Bangalore India, Singapore, & Sydney, Australia. Our core competencies are Fin-tech application development, E-commerce Application developments, Churches and ministeries apps, SaaS application development, Mobile Application development, AI & Blockchain Solutions. Fortunesoft agile cross-functional scrum team not only reduces cost of production but also helps you maximize ROI in development projects in a sustainable pace. Our End-to-end software product development starts with user research, analysis & design. It then moves to development, comprising complete engineering responsibilities like UI layer development, product re ‐ engineering, mobility products & extensions, and quality assurance.

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Joined Dec 14, 2020

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