Countdown to Sixty (60)
Countdown to Sixty (60)

Countdown to Sixty (60)


I have had an interesting 59 years so far. But it hasn't been great!! And I let myself go for the past many years in about every area you can. Health, Weight, Career, Family, Relationships, Mental Health and more if there are more. So, I am going to try something. And to be honest, I have been wanting to for a few weeks now if not years but depression, something I did not fully believe in, has been debilitating. But it is time to take my life back!! Otherwise, I will die far to soon and literally nothing to show for it. And What I want to show for it is that I was able to fix this and perhaps, help others that feel as trapped as I do. If I can find a way to help even just one person get out of this place I find myself in far to often, I will consider this a Huge Success. Would love to have you join me along my journey.

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Joined Sep 18, 2020

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