Trey Knowles
Trey Knowles

Trey Knowles



Trey Knowles is highly trained in Adverse Childhood Experiences. Substance Abuse, Crisis Prevention Verbal De-escalation, Suicide Prevention, Trauma Informed Care, Congregation Rapid Response During Tragedies, Human Behavior Coach.

Trey Knowles is an ambassador of Christ, informing you to be reconciled to God in the likeness of Jesus Christ our savior.

Trey Knowles, also known as Truth & Knowledge, wears

multiple hats: author, comedian, visual communication developer, and life coaching speaker. His work revolves around transformation, recognition, salvation, and substance, all while embracing the freedom and liberty found through the Spirit of Christ. Let’s delve into some of his thought-provoking insights:

1. Holiness and Separation: Trey Knowles emphasizes that being holy

means separating ourselves from everything ungodly or contrary to the word of God. It’s about walking in pure truth, aligning with the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. To be holy, our eyes and ears must avoid anything ungodly, and we should rejoice in the truth. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross enables us to live through His righteousness, making us holy. As 1 Peter 1:16 states, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

2. Abiding in Christ: Trey Knowles highlights the

importance of abiding in Jesus. By obeying God’s word and living as Jesus did, we become partakers of His holiness. Our separation from worldly ways and alignment with Christ’s teachings lead us toward holiness.

3. Denying Ourselves: Quoting Matthew 16:24, Trey reminds

us that discipleship involves denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and

following Jesus. Losing our life for His sake leads to finding true life.

4. God’s Instruction Manual: Trey Knowles believes that God

created us with an instruction manual—the Bible. God’s Word provides guidance, wisdom, and the path we should follow. It’s our life compass.

Trey Knowles encourages us to seek holiness, embrace God’s truth, and live according to His instruction manual. His multifaceted approach combines humor, insight, and a deep understanding of spiritual matters. You can explore more of Trey’s content on his YouTube channel , read his articles on Medium , or listen to his podcast series, “Truth & Knowledge,” available on Apple Podcasts .

About Truth & Knowledge Podcast:

Trey Knowles's Life Coaching Podcast is one of a kind. Trey Knowles's coaching style is to instruct you, and then tell you why he is giving you the instructions of what he is coaching you.

Everything has a formula, his coaching method or program may not be for everyone, but for those who listen becomes wise.

Trey Knowles gives you support in discovering the person you are meant to be by the word of God. He will help you emerge, come forth, and grow in this world spiritually.

About Trey Knowles's Music:

Trey Knowles's music is not just music; it is music with audio allegories and parables that illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson with wisdom. Trey Knowles's lyrics are undefined and one of a kind, it communicates to audiences of all cultures, content that everyone can relate to.

About Trey Knowles's Comedy:

Live, Laugh, Rebuke, and Love. Stand-up comedian Trey Knowles brings the fire of change, the double edge sword, against human behavior. Trey Knowles's allegory stand-up comedy is interpreted to reveal hidden messages, moral or political correction, that bring laughter to everyone.

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Joined Jul 23, 2023

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