The Faen News Network
The Faen News Network

The Faen News Network



The Faen News News Network (FNN) is a news program and entertainment network which hosts podcasts, music videos, news reports, and interviews.


Willow Weir is FNN's news host. She studied at the Neo-Gandawian institute for nine years, and was awarded the Scowl Bert prize for brilliant scientific thought.

Grittel Gadfly is a pop performer and actress who hosts the music corner.

Lucy Katsina is a beauty model and actress who is known for her perfume brand: Lucia. She has starred in movies such as Titanic.

Milly Muscaria is a meteorologist and mycology expert who hosts FNN's weather corner.

Snowflake Kaystar composes the theme music for FNN. He is also a well-known pianist and keyboardist.

Catfish Ravioli & Bosco Picoal Faen host the gardening section. They also perform music, and have a band.

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Joined Jul 9, 2023

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