In the 500,000 years of this world's existence, Master Kiyoshi has lived 499,987 years. Growing up in the island of Selah Chim, through patience and well doing he sought glory, honour, and immortality- he achieved all three. They say no one can surpass him- he is too strong. So I will. I will conquer Selah Chim and attain glory, honour, and immortality. Such is the Warrior's Way.
I was once a wussy but no more. I have seen the power of an immortal and I have decided I will surpass the immortal master Kiyoshi himself. The world i live in however is full of monsters and demons who seek destroy all warriors in pursuit of Glory, Honour and Immortality. I will destroy them.
To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:
Romans 2:7
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Joined May 24, 2023
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