The Unlearning Playground

The Unlearning Playground


Hi, this is Chetan Narang - a software engineer by degree, but a teacher, life coach and a philosopher at heart. This channel is a mix of potent life lessons for your everyday life and direct, honest answers to the most significant questions you can come up with. The aim is to serve as a self improvement channel, to help people think better, and to understand themselves, others & Life better. We discuss philosophy, spirituality, life lessons, quotes, books, cognitive biases and meditations to get to the root of Life, not just to scratch the surface, trying to never lose sight of what's true in favour of what's comfortable. If you want to be a mature adult in the real sense of the term, this is the place for you. Subscribe and grow with me. And invite others along for the journey. #selfimprovement #selfawareness #lifecoach #spirituality #books #nonduality All my work -

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Joined Jun 21, 2023

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