


Just your average Joel!

I'm a father, geek, gamer and all-round useless human with mental health issues.

Playing games helps me to escape the many stresses of life and reality of the broken world we live in.

I try and be as polite as possible when gaming, however I have next to 0 patience or tolerence for stupidity (or pretty much anything else for that matter), and find it hard sometimes with so many idiots and toxic gamers out there. So, as expected, there is the occasional rant :/

I'm just here for the lols and love, not fame or money. I also have channels on YouTube and Twitch, but due to my anxiety, I haven't streamed yet :(

Haters, idiots and stupid people, this channel is NOT for you! Everyone else, come show me some love innit! ♥

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Joined Jun 9, 2023

11 total views

10 videos