Star Citizen

Star Citizen



I'm retiredChase the Calm is what I like to say.

Military (Sgt) and served 20yrs, 10yrs Infantry (2PPCLI) and 10yrs as a Communications Technician(LCIS). I retired with several injuries including PTSD, gaming is one thing that keeps my mind in a calm state...Chase that calm folks.

I've played mostly space games such as EveOnline for 9yrs, Elite Dangerous for 2 then I found Star Citizen... and a PC that could actually run it;)

Channel full of Star Citizen Content which is currently in Alpha testing by Cloud Imperium aka Roberts Space Industry

90% Solo player. I like many with real-life responsibilities that pull us away from the computer at any moment, it makes it difficult to commit time to a multiplayer event which is why for the time being I'm mostly a Solo player and my views and opinions are based on having limited game time.

In-Game name: Werner32

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Joined Mar 8, 2023

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15 videos