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If you keep seeing this video... it's because you haven't subscribed yet! Click subscribe to see the best cat tricks and learn about teaching your cat all sorts of things. Welcome to my channel.... Lots of experience as an animal trainer and I frequently hear, 'you can't train a cat, they train you!' Well, not so fast, I'm here to show you just how smart and teachable cats are using a specific 'methodology' similar to the way marine animals are taught. you will learn, step by step how to teach your cat to walk on a leash, do a few cats tricks, stop their behavioural issues, even teach them to use the human toilet, and much more! Oh! and from time to time, I'll just happen to capture my cat Didga doing some amazing stunts! ;-) PLEASE ADOPT, there are many amazing cats like Didga just waiting for a good home. So make sure you click the Subscribe button. THANKS in advanced for watching, subscribing, clicking "like" and sharing my videos!. #how to teach my cat to poop in the litter box #how to teach my cat to poop in the toilet #how to teach my cat not to bite #how to teach my cat to high five #how to teach my cat to sit #how to teach my cat to shake hands #how to teach my cat #how to teach my cat his name #how to teach my cat their name

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Joined Jun 25, 2022

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