Mike's Patriot Nation

Mike's Patriot Nation



Just fooling around with the idea of starting a channel. A place for friends and brother's in arms to comment and chat in the comments section. I hope you enjoy and share this. If I see people coming around, I'll keep going.

Howdy @hulkanator!

Are you using the zoom app. If so, switch to the web browser version, & see if it works any better for you. If you've already tried this, I am glad. Just trying to help fix it.

If there is anything you'd like help with, shoot me a message on x.com. We're friends & we have chatted before. Most recently we discussed the intro song by Styx. I'll be watching tonight as usual!

I was one of your moderators before I became disabled if you remember. It was when you were still on YouTube. Back when RDoktorD held us hostage until the wee hours of the morning. KEK! Far before COVID-19 was a thing. We talked about the Romney's cartel in Mexico, & a carload of women & children tried to escape the Romney's cartel & get to the US for protection. It was even before that. You could say that I'm a ToT veteran! It was after you left PSB, but not long after you did. I found you guys on YouTube! I was using a Roku, so I couldn't chat.

This show was one part of my real awakening. I was slightly awake after Reagan. But in the 80's it was a bit too hard for an 8th grader to investigate. I was in my science class watching the Challenger blow up. My heart nearly stopped. The blood rushed out of my head. I had to sit down because I got dizzy & nearly vomited.

Those things are what made me really doubt the government's honesty. A little rubber "O-ring" failed causing the shuttle to explode? What a stupid lie. They expected "We the plebes" to believe that bull-NO WAY! Then 9/11. then U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia got smothered & they called it a heart attack!

Then, with every hokey-pokey, near-truth, lie that followed, the more I doubted our MSM. CNN raised my curiosity by talking about Trump's mean tweets, I had to investigate. but I had no time. After my accident I became armed with time, curiosity, and the internet. Not a good combination for the MSM. But this show was three men (pre-Tron) that my gut was telling me you guys were legit and trustworthy.

Then, with every hokey-pokey, near-truth lie that followed, I doubted our Government more and more. CNN raised my curiosity about Trump by talking so much about his mean tweets that I had to investigate. But I worked long hours every day, and weekends were my time to be out in the hills with God, so I had no time for News. After my accident in the garage, I became armed with time, curiosity, and the internet. That wasn't a good combination for the MSM. But on your show, there were three men (pre-Tron) whom my gut told me were legit and trustworthy.

I am now bedridden from my injuries, and the more I type, the more I hurt. It causes my hands to feel like they are in a pot of boiling water, but still, like a dummy, I keep typing, and the pain moves up into my elbows and beyond.

The pain and burning will intensify and eventually make it up to my shoulders; at that point, my arms get very heavy, and the longer I type, the heavier they get; you all should know I have to continue to push it hard until my arms get so weak I can't use my hands or arms. That happens pretty quickly. Some days, it happens quicker than others.

In 2020, I had to have emergency surgery on my neck. If I had waited another day or two, the spine surgeon told me and my wife Dawn that I would have become completely paralyzed from my neck down.

My spinal cord got so irritated that it started swelling up and getting pinched by the spinal channel inside the vertebrae because the channel that the spinal cord passes through became very narrow. After all, the bone grew very fast after my accident.

From the fall in June of 2018 until sometime mid-year in 2020, the channel closed in on the spinal cord, which was swelling due to several falls I had experienced that caused the cord to swell as well. I know it was mid-2020 because I saw rioters going down the street outside my hospital room window on their way to the courthouse. They were rioting while I was in inpatient rehab for a couple of months.

The timeline went like this.

I had an online appointment with my neurologist on Wednesday. He became very concerned during that appointment. He ordered an MRI.

On Thursday. I went the 35ish miles to the North Bend Medical Center to get my MRI done.

On Friday, I missed a phone call from a spine specialist in Coos Bay. Unfortunately, I did not check my messages until after the office had closed.

On Monday, He called me again. He had to leave another message. He called me in the morning at around 8. Everybody knows I'm awake all night and sleep until 11 a.m. I called him back around 3:00 or 3:30 p.m. He was angry that I waited so long to call him back. He asked me to make an appointment for Tuesday because I didn't have time to shower and drive 35 miles to the office before it closed. After all, it was closing soon.

I went to my appointment on Tuesday, which would have been sometime after 3:30 p.m. because Dawn works until 3:00 p.m. He was even more angry that I didn't make an early appointment. The doctor showed me the MRI results and strongly recommended surgery. I agreed, so he immediately called the best spine surgeon in the Pacific Northwest. She was waiting for his call. He got her on the phone and told her it was a go. She scheduled me for an appointment the next day.

On Wednesday, I went to the surgeon's appointment in Eugene. Eugene is over 100 miles from my house. I had the thumb drive in my hand because the doctor, whose name is Dr. Angelus, still hadn't seen my MRI pictures yet, and that's what was on the thumb drive. When she took one look at the MRI, she agreed that I needed surgery a.s.a.p.

She called the surgery unit and told them she needed a 6:00 a.m. appointment on Friday. She said to move the schedule around if they had to.

Dr. Angelus told me to get a C-19 test in her district that night so she could get the results faster.

It was already 5:00 p.m. when we arrived at the test lab, and they were already closing up for the day. Dawn decided to go to the door anyway, and soon, she saw someone inside and waved her down.

It wasn't long before the lady opened the door, and Dawn went inside for a minute or two. When Dawn came back to the car, she had a big grin on her face. Who was tagging along behind her? You guessed it: the lab technician with a test kit in hand.

It was Thursday morning, at around 4:30 a.m. I slipped and fell on a wet spot on the bathroom tile floor. My left foot went straight out in front of me, and my right knee bent all the way forward with my heel under me, causing my right hip to land on the heel of my foot. This fall resulted in a fractured fibula at the knee and a broken ankle. That's the day we had to go to a motel in Eugene. I went back to bed and tried to ignore the pain. I couldn't, so I took two 10/325 Hydrochlorophen. That did the trick. Later on, we headed out to a hotel in Eugene. Both Dawn and my daughter had to help me to the car, which is two steps down off the back porch and about 60 feet from the car. It hurt like hell, but I made it. We got to the hotel, and they gave us an accessible room about 10 feet from the car door to the room. Luckily, I had a cane. I used it like a crutch on my right side, and I had Dawn on my left as a second crutch. In immense pain, I popped a few more of those hydrocodones and went to sleep.

The big day was here; it was Friday morning, and we arrived at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene before they told us we should check-in. One of the surgical staff came down to the lobby and got me at about 5:30 a.m. for surgical prep work and rolled me into surgery at exactly 6 a.m. I woke up in my room after surgery with 16 screws and 14 pins running from C2 to T2 holding my spine together; the doctor should have gone to T5 or T6 because that is where the abundance of my current pain is, as well as my neck.

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Joined Oct 21, 2020

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